Chapter 25

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               ~Isis De'Leon~

We went to take a DNA test with mama and Octavia who might potentially be my birth mother. We were told that we will get our results back before the end of the day tomorrow. I'm currently in my room checking if everything is going well in my father's Mafia business.

"Love, you busy?" Ace asked sitting on the far end of the bed. "I am busy" I said not taking my eyes of the laptop screen. "okay." he sighed and layed his head on one of my pillows. "what do you want Ace?" I asked still not taking my eyes of my laptop. "nothing, I just wanted to hang" he said now closing his eyes. "okay, give me ten minutes then we can hang" I said brushing my fingers through his hair. "okay love, in the meantime I'll take a nap." he said in a sleepy voice. "lazy ass" I said. "workaholic" he said causing both of us to chuckle. I continued to take care of business and check if everything is going accordingly,then 20 minutes later we headed down to the kitchen.

We both walked into the kitchen and  found James eating a fruit salad. "there you two are" James said waving his hands dramatically. "hey James, what's up?" I asked now standing next to him by the kitchen counter. "nothing much, wanna watch a movie Lil sis?" he asked making me look at him in a weird way. "Lil sis?" Ace asked raising an eyebrow. "yes, we're adopting Isis" James said trying to hold back his laughter. "what? , why?!" Ace and I said in sync. " Isis looks just like my dad so I'm going to try and kidnap or adopt her" he said causing us to burst out into laughter.

"Okay, I know it's still early and stuff but I'm tired and hungry" I said crossing my arms. "we could always have you for dinner love" Ace whispered for only me to hear. "I'm serious you ass!" I said slapping his arm. "ow!, okay I'll make something for you love" he said putting his hands around my waist. "okay, but don't make rich people shit" I said causing James and Ace to chuckle. Ace then picked me up and placed me onto the counter. "okay love, I won't make " rich people shit"  I promise" he said and gave me a small kiss. "are you two together or not? I promise I won't tell anyone" James asked raising an eyebrow. "we don't need to answer that" Ace and I said in sync using a cold tone.

"Okay" James said dramatically rolling his eyes. "go make me some food" I said pushing him away. He started making whatever he was making. While me and James were both sitting on the counter far enough for Ace to not hear what we're talking about.

"My mom told me and the rest of my family that you guys took a DNA test today" James said making me look at him wide eyed. "yea, we did" I said."I don't know why you guys even did that because we all can clearly see that you're our sibling" James said putting his hand around my shoulder. "yea" I said putting my head on his shoulder. "Hands of my woman, Stone!" Ares shouted from the other side of the kitchen causing James to let go of me. "okay man" James said in an annoyed tone. "Isis is he trying his luck on you?" he asked stirring the pot. "no, we're just chatting amore."(love) "Stone, translate please" Ace asked not taking his eyes of the pot. "she said love in Italian" James said earning a glare from me and a smirk from Ace. "you speak Italian" I asked. "yes, my grandfather is Italian and grandma is Spanish or maybe it's the other way around."he said."cool" I said and we started chatting about random stuff.

"I'm done love, eat" he said putting a plate filled with ribs and fries. "thank you" I said giving him a small smile and started eating my meal. I did a little dance after taking the first few bites. "adorable" James and Ace said in sync. I ate my meal. I finished and cleaned my plate.

Ace, James, Daniel, Iris and I were in the TV room watching 'Friends'. I was laying my head on Aces chest with my arms wrapped around him. "Isis and Iris, my older brothers and my father are coming to Italy tomorrow" Daniel said gaining everyone's attention. "okay?" Iris said. "continue" I said. "So my dad and brothers want to meet you both" James continued. "okay but why?" Iris asked raising an eyebrow. "because of what you guys did with your mom and Giselle today" Daniel said making Iris understand. "okay we get it" Iris said. "where are we meeting them exactly?" I asked. "tomorrow around 2pm after getting your results" James said. "what results?" Ace asked whispering into my ear so only I can hear. "I'll tell you when we're alone" I said in my sleepy voice. "okay,can we talk more about this tomorrow?" I questioned. " please" Iris said in an annoyed tone. "fine we'll talk more about this in the morning." James said. I went to sit next Iris and cuddled up with her and we all continued to watch 'Friends'.

After six episodes I was half asleep on the other side of the couch with Iris fast asleep as well. "wake up love, it's late let's go up to bed" Ace said patting my shoulder causing me too look at him. "I'm up, let me just carry my sister up to her room" I said in my sleepy voice,getting up from the couch. "no, don't worry, I'll take her up to her room" James said and I nodded. He carried my sister and exited the room.

"Okay your turn let's go" Ace said putting his  hands around my waist. "hands around my neck love" he said. I did as he asked and he picked me up making my wrapped my legs around his tosor. "I don't know how you do it" I said with my head rested on my shoulder. "do what love?" he asked making his way to my room. "I don't know how you're able to handle me,i mean I am a pretty demanding person" I said mumbling the last part. "you're right about being pretty and also  demanding" he said causing me to chuckle. "and love,you're not hard to handle" he said placing me on a couch in my bedroom. He walked into my closet and came out with my pajamas. "change into this then come to bed" he said earning a frown from me. "and I thought you liked me" I said rolling my eyes not realizing what I've just said. "I do, but you're changing yourself I'm tired" he said giving me a kiss on my cheek leaving me frozen in shock.

*did he just said he likes me? *
-you said it first babe-
*OMG and I just met the dude. *
- I swear you two are moving to fast, like soul mates -

I changed into my pajamas and went to sleep on my side of the bed. Ace wrapped his hands around my waist and we both dosed off.

(hey everyone 😊hope you enjoyed reading this chapter, sorry for not posting these past few days I was busy with exams😢 anyway please don't forget to vote, comment and share my story🙃❤️)

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