Chapter 42

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              ~Isis De'Leon Stone ~

Yesterday Iris and I were reintroduced to the whole Stone family, we discovered that we have seventeen brothers in total and more if we count our extended family.

Basically my relationships are over.

"Isis darling,wake up you have training." my aunt Tiana said shaking me. I opened my eyes and saw the dark beauty with honey brown eyes staring right at me. "I'm awake aunt Tiana." I said getting up and out of my bed. "what time is it anyway?" I questioned making my way to the bathroom. "it's 4:30am darling." she said taking a seat on the couch. "Training usually starts at 6am why  do you people train at 4?"i questioned dramatically throwing my hands in the air.

" Dad, your grandfather wanted to train you today so he can test your skills, I'll also be joining since I woke up early and he saw me in the kitchen. "she said taking her phone out if her pocket." how long do I  have? "I questioned."less than thirty minutes, training starts at 5am sharp." she said getting up from the couch. "now get ready you lazy ass we have some work to do." she said snapping her fingers making me chuckle. "alright,I'm gone." I said walking into the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth, shaved and took a shower. Later when I got out if the bathroom aunt Tiana had already gotten everything ready for me so I got dressed into a black gym tight and white crop and some 'Ris' sneakers.

We made our way downstairs to the gym and found my uncles Damien, Ryan, Forster, Gabriel and also my dad, grandpa, grandma and my mother all dressed up and ready for training.

Shit did I do something wrong?

"Good morning Princess." my grandfather said as he walked upto to me and gave me a hug which I returned. "good morning grandpa and everyone." I said as I let go and looked at my family who all had blank faces. "okay what's up with the blank faces, I have one to but I don't like to use it on family and I also don't like it when family uses it on me so smile, be happy or pretend." I demanded and all their facial expressions changed.


"Now what are we doing today?" I questioned placing my hands on my hips. "Everything." Grandmother said making my eyes go wide."tell me you're joking, please." I said looking between all of them but they clearly aren't joking. "Let's get this work out party started I guess." I said nervously chuckling.

I'm dead

"We'll start with combat, follow with boxing, gunwork, physical strengths and abilities then run to check speed and agility." Grandpa said earning shocked expressions from my aunts and parents, I smirked. "If my grandfather from Spain didn't help  train me, I would be worried." I said and tied my hair into a messy bun. "let's get started, I'm feeling pumped." I said getting into the ring.

Okay I won't lie, I'm grateful that my grandfather, my papa's father helped groom me or else today's training would have been a disaster. PapaBen made me fight uncle Gabriel, Damien, Ryan, Forster and my dad all at once. I won't lie, it was pretty hard to beat them.

Yes I beat the Stone Brothers

I almost lost to aunt Tiana, the woman knows her stuff but since she was stubborn I had to hit her side causing her to pass out making me win and ending the mini match. We also went running in the woods for two hours, gunwork and weapons training for for thirty minutes, physical therapy. I was even  taized, I swear grandpa enjoys watching people suffer but I of course had been taized multiple times before by my other grandparents and parents.

It's currently 9am, grandma made grandpa dismiss us but we have training again which starts at midnight and ends at 3am. I swear the old man's as crazy as papa's dad.

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