Chapter I

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Even in the middle of the day, the Emerald Forest was dark.

This was not a normal occurrence, and Doctor Bartholomew Oobleck knew this.

Dr. Oobleck was a teacher at Beacon Academy, the most prestigious academy for Huntsmen and Huntresses in the kingdom of Vale. The other four kingdoms of Remnant had their own academies just like Beacon. Oobleck didn't want to work anywhere other than Beacon.

Oobleck was a man with messy green hair and brown eyes, hidden underneath round, opaque glasses. He wore a long brown great coat, a khaki buttoned safari shirt, a pith helmet, and a rather large backpack.

He had been in the Emerald Forest before. It wasn't far from Beacon Academy. It wasn't often he came out here, but whenever he did, it was usually bright during the daytime. Even the trees couldn't cover the sunlight.

But this area was different. Now the sun was blocked by the trees, and the atmosphere was shadowed all around them. Oobleck wasn't uneasy. Unease was a rare feeling for him. He had practically seen the world by now. But he would have been lying if he'd said his guard wasn't up.

He was starting to regret bringing Team RWBY along.

When Oobleck had been sent on this mission, he had been told to bring Beacon's four best students: Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, and Yang Xiao Long. They were freshmen, some of the best freshmen the school had had in a while. A learning experience was what the headmaster had said.

Yang Xiao Long took note of a change of attitude in Dr. Oobleck. He had been having a thoughtful discussion with the team, but stopped when they arrived in this shadowed area.

Yang took a look at her teammates.

Ruby had her guard up, but she didn't seem frightened. Her hand was reaching behind her, gripping the hilt of her beloved weapon: Crescent Rose. It was a customizable, high-impact sniper rifle, which could transform into a giant scythe.

Yang glanced at Weiss Schnee. Weiss was a pale-skinned young woman with pale blue eyes, and long white hair that was often pulled back into an off-center ponytail or braid on the right side, and pinned with a silver, icicle-shaped tiara. She had a scar which ran vertically down her left eye and face. She wore a thigh-length strapless dress with a faint color gradation from white to pale blue at the hem. A small piece of black lace sat in the front of her neckline and the hem of the dress was scalloped and stitched to resemble snowflakes, with layers of white tulle under the skirt. Over this, she wore a bell-sleeved bolero with the same color gradation as her dress from shoulder to wrist, lined in red and with a ruffled collar. On the back of the bolero was the Schnee Crest, which resembled a snowflake. She also wore a small apple pendant on a silver chain and thin, rectangular silver earrings. Her boots were white, wedged heeled, and higher at the back than the front. They had a small silver decoration across the top of the foot and were lined in red. A thin white sash was tied around her waist with a pouch attached to the back.

Weiss was the heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, one of the largest producers and exporters of Dust in the world of Remnant. Dust was a powerful source of energy, used for multiple purposes, such as jewelry and, more commonly, weapons' ammunition.

Weiss, unlike Ruby, held her weapon in her hand. It was a rapier called Myrtenaster. She wielded the weapon in front of her, just in case anything decided to jump out at her.

Next, Yang checked on Blake Belladonna. Blake was a faunus. A faunus was a human that possessed one animal trait. Blake's faunus trait was a pair of cat ears atop her head. She was a fair-skinned young woman with wavy black hair, and amber eyes. She wore a black, buttoned vest with coattails and a single silver button on the front. Underneath this was a white, sleeveless, high necked, crop undershirt and white shorts with a zipper on the front of each leg. She also wore black low-heeled boots and full stockings with a color gradation of black to purple at her ankles. Her emblem was visible on the outside of both thighs just below her shorts in white. On her left arm was a black detached sleeve with a silver cuff around her bicep, and black ribbons were wrapped around both forearms. A black ribbon was tied with a large bow on the top of her head, with her cat ears hidden inside the loops. She wore purple eye shadow in a cat's eye style. A small, loose, black scarf was wrapped around her neck, and a gray magnetic backpack was strapped to her back, hidden by her hair. She often kept her weapon attached to the magnetic backpack when she is not using it.

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