Chapter XXI

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Huntsmen prepared for battle.

They held their weapons at the ready as they waited for their target's appearance. In truth, they barely knew what was happening. They knew a beast was rampaging in Beacon Academy, but the exact details they were unsure of.

At the lead was Professor Peter Port, a teacher in the academy. He was infamous for his habit of telling his life stories in his classes, instead of teaching actual lessons. But he was completely unaware of this.

Now, Port was excited. He didn't know what was going on, but he knew this was going to make a great story in the future.

"Alright," he said. "Everyone prepare for the worst!"

But even the worst couldn't prepare Port from what rounded a corner.

Kong appeared from behind a building. He roared, and waved his free hand at the fleeing students below, while holding Yang protectively to his chest.

Port stared up in horror. He had never imagined facing anything like this beast before him. He was frozen in terror.

A Huntsman fired at Kong. The giant gorilla whipped in their direction as soon as he felt the attack hit. He spotted the Huntsmen lined up at the distance, and he instantly realized they were the ones that had attacked him.

Kong was furious. He roared at them, and began marching in their direction. Port came to the full realization of what was about to happen. He leapt out of the way as Kong raised his free arm, and crashed it against one of the Huntsmen. Others tried to gun him down, but Kong grabbed another, and threw him into the others.

Port raised his battle axe, and swung it at Kong's leg. But it had no affect.

Kong looked down to him, blood-red eyes filled with rage. He roared, and reached down for Port. The old Huntsman ran out of the way.

Kong growled as he watched Port flee for his life. In his mind, this was an easy victory.

Kong looked down at Yang. She wasn't struggling anymore. Just like on the island, she had given up on escaping. She could only hope that someone would rescue her before it was too late.

Kong continued his march through the campus, and this time he didn't meet much interference.

Yang was terrified. Was nobody stopping him now? Were they afraid of losing more men? Had they left her with Kong, completely alone?

She cried, and didn't bother to wipe away her tears. She had thought this nightmare had ended a long time ago. She'd wanted to bury her trauma in the past. But it was all resurfacing now.

There was no escaping from Kong, no matter how hard she tried. It was like the Gods were forcing her to stay in this nightmare, no matter what she wanted.

Then, Kong came to a stop. He looked up, holding Yang tight in one hand. She followed his line of sight, and realized what he was looking at. Her lilac eyes widened in horror. If Kong did what she thought he was going to do, no one could get to him. She would be trapped with him, and there would be no escape.

She prayed Kong wouldn't do it. But, as she had admittedly anticipated, her prayers weren't answered.

Kong began to climb Beacon Tower . . .

Oobleck looked around at the carnage.

Huntsmen lay on the ground, some of them dead, others badly injured. From the story Peter Port had told them, he was lucky to have survived.

All of the pride he had felt from his great victory on the island was gone, and all that was left was guilt. So many had died a pointless death. So many deaths were easily avoidable. If he had just never gone to that island in the first place.

He'd let his pride get the best of him, and now people were dying.

Professor Ozpin stood beside him, and Ruby, Weiss, and Blake were looking at the bodies. Their expressions were completely blank. They had seen this horror before, and they were far too used to it.

Glynda walked up to Professor Ozpin.

"Sir," she said, "Kong is climbing Beacon Tower. He is still carrying Yang Xiao Long."

Ruby, Weiss, and Blake turned around as soon as they heard that.

"Can you get him up there?" Blake asked.

Ozpin shook his head. "We can't get near him without risking Miss Xiao Long's life."

Oobleck's head hung lower. But Ruby spun around.

"But there's one thing we haven't thought of," she said.

"What's that?" Ozpin said.

"Mantas!" Ruby said.

Oobleck lifted his head very slightly at that. Mantas were Atlesian military aircraft, which were used as gunships and transport ships.

"He'll put Yang down," Ruby continued, "and they can shoot him down without hitting her!"

"It's the best plan we have," Ozpin admitted.

Oobleck said nothing. This would definitely work. If they sent in those mantas, the beast would definitely put Yang down safely, and the mantas would shoot him down.

But the beast would be killed. It was the only way to stop him now, but it was still a death that could have been avoided. He could have done as Ozpin ordered and never gone to that island. He could have left the beast's unconscious body on that island. But he didn't. And now an animal was going to be gunned down.

All of this was his fault . . .

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