Chapter III

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Team RWBY entered the classroom.

Night had already come, and yet the four had been called from their sleep by Doctor Oobleck to meet him in his class.

Yang couldn't help wondering if this had anything to do with that place they had found. Or, even better, if this had anything to do with her mother. She had been the one to convince everyone to get dressed and go to Oobleck's office. Even Weiss, the A+ student she was, didn't want to go to class so late.

Oobleck was leaning against his desk, tapping his shoe on the floor impatiently, and drinking a cup of coffee. He looked up as the girls approached.

Ruby opened her mouth to speak, but Yang beat her to it.

"What did you call us here for?" she asked.

Ruby looked at Yang in surprise. The way Yang had said that didn't sound like her. It sounded like she was a cop, interrogating a criminal, when in reality it was Yang who was speaking to her superior.

Oobleck didn't seem to notice her questioning tone. If anything, he seemed excited, and more energetic than usual, which said a lot for a man so addicted to caffeine he could speed around the room without anyone realizing he even had.

"Ah, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang," he said, speaking at an even faster pace than usual. "It is so good to see you again."

The girls looked at each other in confusion. Even Yang broke out of her more serious state to give questioning glances to Ruby and Blake.

"Um, is everything okay, Professor Oobleck?" Ruby said.

Oobleck sped in front of her at blinding speeds, and leaned in uncomfortably close.

"Doctor," he corrected, in a grim tone of voice.

"Uh . . ." Ruby gulped.

Blake spoke up. "Sir, why did you call us here so late?"

Oobleck turned to her, and his excited demeanor instantly came back.

"Ah, straight to the point. I've always liked that."

In an instant, Oobleck was behind his desk, laying out the papers he'd taken from the forest.

"I have an expedition that I have been preparing all day," he said. "I tried to get Ozpin to fund it, but he won't listen. So I had to do everything myself. I need extra protection, but Ozpin needs all the staff at the school. You four are all I've got."

Team RWBY still had no understanding of what Oobleck wanted from them. He had spoken so quickly, and he hadn't explained what this expedition was about.

"Um, Doctor?" Weiss said, finally getting his title right. "I don't understand."

Oobleck finally slowed down. "Ah, my apologies. I got a little excited."

He took the map, and slid it up to the edge of his desk. The girls approached it, and stared down at the map.

"What is this?" Yang asked as she picked it up.

Oobleck was talking much slower now. "The sole-surviving record of an uncharted island. A place that was thought to exist only in myth . . . until now."

At this sudden change of tone, the girls felt an atmosphere of mystery. Intrigue was beginning to take hold in all four of them. But Yang was the most interested of the group.

"This is real?" she said.

Oobleck nodded. "I'm talking about a primitive world. The ruins of an entire civilization. The most spectacular thing you've ever seen."

Team RWBY were all quiet, thoughtful.

Ruby was more curious than interested. This place sounded dangerous, but it also sounded like nothing anyone had ever seen before. Still, she wasn't interested enough to want to go there. It sounded scary, and it was no place for her or her teammates. She wanted to be a hero, not an adventurer.

Weiss was quite intrigued by this new island. She wondered what sort of landmarks could be found there. She wondered what about this place was so fascinating to get such a reaction from Oobleck. She could be one of the first people to step on that island. What an enticing idea, indeed.

Blake was thoughtful. This wasn't what she'd become a Huntress for. She wanted to help people, wanted to make up for past mistakes. Adventure wasn't her reason for signing up. But there was a strange feeling of mystery to this island that toyed with her interest. She'd always loved a good mystery. She loved a satisfying answer to a fascinating question. And there were so many fascinating questions she had based solely off of Oobleck's description.

Yang had no question over what she wanted to do. She'd become a Huntress because she had always wanted adventure. Just the promise of adventure was enough to pull her in. But, with the added idea that she could find the answers to the mystery of her mother, there was no way she could possibly pass up this opportunity.

Ruby spoke up before anyone else could.

"Could we talk for a second?" she said.

"Of course," Oobleck said. "But be quick about it. We'll have to be gone by daylight."

"Why?" she said.

"Well, uh, there's a good reason."

Everything Ruby heard about this thing made her like it less.

She gestured for her teammates to follow her. They moved away from Oobleck's desk while he took more sips of coffee. They grouped together in a tight circle.

"I don't know about this," Ruby said. "This sounds dangerous."

"We can handle danger," Yang said.

"This isn't what we signed up for!" Ruby said.

"Not what you signed up for," Yang corrected. "This is exactly what I signed up for."

Ruby turned to Weiss and Blake. "Guys?"

"Ruby," Weiss said, "this could be the greatest discovery in decades! We could go down in history as the greatest Huntresses in Remnant!"

"Blake?" Ruby said.

"I don't know," Blake admitted. "This sounds dangerous."

Yang sighed. "Guys, my mother is connected to this. I don't know how, but she is."

"What does that have to do with anything?" Weiss said.

Yang ignored her. Weiss was the only one who knew nothing about her mother. Ruby had been aware of this for years, and Blake had learned about it a while ago. And, clearly, their moods changed the instant she mentioned her.

"I've been looking for her for so long," Yang said. At that, Weiss went silent. "Whatever this island is, it could have the answers I've been searching for."

The other three were completely quiet. Weiss was waiting for an answer from the other two. Ruby and Blake were lost in thought.

"Please," Yang pleaded. "I need this."

Finally, Blake spoke up. "Yang, you have helped me through so much. I owe you a lot. If I can help you find the answers you're looking for, I will do it."

That was three out of four. Ruby knew she was outvoted now. She didn't want to do this, but it was clear that she was alone on that opinion now. And, besides, she knew that Yang needed this. She had been looking to find her mother for most of her life. Perhaps this island would actually hold the answers she had been searching for for so long.

She finally sighed in defeat.

"Fine. Let's do it . . ."

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