Chapter VI

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A loud horn blasted through the ship.

Yang shot up, fully and suddenly awake. She placed a hand on her head and sighed. What on Remnant was that? She was in the mess, eating the potatoes that Lumpy had offered her. She had been having a nice, quiet moment, when that horn had blared her out of her thoughts.

Frustrated, Yang stood up from her seat, leaving the last bits of her food on her plate, and made her way for the deck. When she finally made it up on deck, it didn't take long for her to realize she couldn't see a thing.

The Wanderer had sailed straight into a thick cloud of white, blinding fog. The horn that had disturbed Yang was a foghorn.

All of Yang's frustration had completely faded, and was replaced with confusion. But, slowly but surely, another feeling started to take form. The fog left Yang extremely uneasy, and she felt as though anything could jump out at her.

Suddenly, she felt a hand grasp at her arm. She jumped, but quickly recognized the hand as her little sister's.

"Yang?" Ruby's voice came through the whiteness of the fog.

Instantly, Yang felt her big sister instincts kicking in. "You okay, sis?"

"I'm fine," she said. "Where are we?"

"We're in a fog bank," Yang said.

"I can barely see!" Ruby said.

"We'll be fine," Yang reassured. "These guys are prepared for stuff like this."

Then, she heard another voice nearby. It sounded like Oobleck.

"This infernal fog!"

He wasn't talking to her. In fact, he wasn't even next to her. He sounded as if he was a short distance away. Without needing to communicate with one another, Ruby and Yang made their way towards the voices.

They found Dr. Oobleck standing at the guardrail with Captain Englehorn. Both of them were staring out into the fog, as if searching for something. Yang and Ruby stood beside them, but neither acknowledged their presence.

"Are you sure of our position, Skipper?" Oobleck asked.

"Of course," Englehorn replied. He sounded offended that the professor would even ask such a question.  "Before the fog set in, I got a good sight."

Oobleck nodded. "We must be near the island."

Weiss emerged from below the ship, having also been startled by the foghorn. She came to a sudden halt as she saw the white of the fog, and spun briefly to see anything. Her mind settled down as she realized where they were. All of this was completely unnoticed by Oobleck, Englehorn, Ruby, and Yang.

In the bridge, Jimmy was looking at the depth to make sure the water wasn't shallowing.

Ruby broke an eerie silence. "Maybe that tribe was guessing where the island is."

Yang ignored her sister. She knew for sure the island was out here. She had a strange feeling that it had to be out here.

"How will we know it's the right island?" she asked Oobleck.

"The mountain that looks like a skull," Oobleck replied.

"Oh yeah," Yang nodded. "I forgot. Skull Mountain."

Suddenly, Jimmy called from the bridge. "Bottom! Twenty fathoms!"

"We're shallowing fast!" Englehorn said. He called into the wheelhouse. "Dead slow!"

The sailors in the wheelhouse started to slow the ship down. A few sailors were preparing to drop the anchor.

Now Blake came up on deck, and she, too, saw the fog for the first time. Unlike Weiss, she quickly realized what was going on.

"By the deep sixteen!" Jimmy called.

Oobleck paid no attention to what Jimmy had said. He could hear something in the distance. He listened closely, trying to make out what that noise was.

"Listen!" he whispered, just loud enough that Englehorn, Ruby, and Yang could hear him. "Hear anything?"

"No," Englehorn said.

Blake heard the noise, too. Her cat ears underneath the bow could just about make out some kind of rhythm in the distance.

A sailor in the crow's nest yelled down to the captian.

"Breakers ahead!"

"Let go!!!" Englehorn shouted.

The anchor was finally dropped into the water, and after a few seconds of waiting, the Wanderer slowed to a stop.

Yang was the first to realize what that noise was. It wasn't the sound of big waves crashing against the shore. It was a series of thumping that made some kind of melody.

"That's not breakers," she said.

"It's drums . . ."

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