You Won't Die

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(Y/n) POV

I ran through the woods, bleeding as I was escaping from my family from the ridiculous ideals they had. I ran until I got on a pirate submarine , then hid in one of the cabinets below the counter. I held my side closest to the cabinet door trying to stop the blood from flowing out. I was breathing heavier, inhaling the warm oxygen that filled the cabinet as I tried to find a comfortable position. Nothing seemed to be working, but I was definitely trying.

I began sweating which only caused more pain to emit from the open hole in my body. I heard someone walking around on the ship, which made me cover my mouth with my free hand, trying to stop the bleeding, but no matter how hard I tried, I ended up making noise, which ended up causing them to open the door. I had tears in my eyes from the pain, I couldn't do anything but whimper and hold my side. I saw a man with the word Penguin on his hat. "Captain!!" He yelled as he ran off to get his captain. I groaned while crawling out. I coughed out a bit of blood, forcing myself to get up only to fall down. I felt more pain singe through my body only causing my vision to blur.

I saw a man with a lot of distinct tattoos rush in, death written on both hands on the base of his fingers each finger has a different letter of the word. Heart tattoo along his chest and another patterned tattoo on the backs of his hands. His facial expression looked beyond terrifying at first glance. I tried to elevate myself to get out, but my strength wasn't enough. "Stop moving, you're only making it worse." He said as he set down some things. I closed my eyes to blink, but I couldn't reopen them willingly.

Time skip

I opened my eyes to see I wasn't in the kitchen like I was before. I was laying on a soft cushioned bed with comfortable blankets that hugged me perfectly. The pillow under my head, molded perfectly to my shape and was really easy on my neck. I sat up with a painful grunt. I then glanced out the window to see deep sea fish swimming along side the outer walls.

Immediately anxiety rushed through my body after realizing that no one was within the room. I checked my side to see bandages around. I gently got up, knowing it would hurt if I was rough with myself.

I limped a bit towards the door, then opened the door and saw the man with the a hat that says Penguin again.

"Hey, I was just coming to check on you. You seem to be doing good." He said. I was very wary with his presence, only because he was a pirate.

"Where are we?" I asked softly

"The Grand Line." He said

"Oh.. Are there any marines chasing you guys?" I asked curiously

"No.. Should there be?" He asked

"Probably.. I sorta pissed them off." I said shyly

"Is that why you were hurt so bad?" He asked

"..." I stayed silent, being a little disappointed in myself for relying on others to get me out of a situation. "Sorry for throwing it onto you guys, so uh-- the next island you come across, you can drop me off, and I'll do what I can from there." I said as I leaned against the door frame.

"May I ask for the story?" He asked curiously

"It's not important." I answered

"Law will ask regardless.. So, either you deal with the captain alone, or I can give him a report." He suggested

"I'd rather talk to the captain, personally. But thank you for the offer." I said as I showed visible discomfort. Not from the conversation. I held my side as I tried pulling off a brave face, but he didn't believe it.

"Please go back to lay down. You're not fully healed, yet." The man with tattoos said as he walked down the hall towards us.

"Captain!" The man with the word penguin on his hat exclaimed

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