Welcome Home

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Life update:
October, grandma went to the hospital 7 times. That's why I wasn't publishing all October. November, I had more family issues going on. December, I was too focused on Christmas, January, I was busy getting a job, February, I quit and went broke. March! I got a new job and I'm stable again.

April! I plan to be back to normal. I apologize for the long waits for all my books. But I will definitely be keeping more things going as of 2024. I didn't leave. I just mentally needed a breather.

Enjoy. :)


After the treacherous fight with Doflamingo, I made it to the submarine. That's when I saw him...


"Corazone!" I spoke in complete shock. (y/n) was seated on the couch, one leg up, as the other was tucked under her. She had a smile across her face as she seemed to be way calmer than what she was before; however, the cost to her calmness after a rush like that, resulted in her becoming nearly exhausted.

Her devil fruit used more than just her physical ability, it also drained her mental ability and drained nearly all energy when used recklessly.. she was good at that.

Watching Corazone stand from the couch, his black feathered coat draping over his shoulders as he gave a smile. He held his arms out and spoke with such excitement, the inner child within me even got excited. "Law!" He responded happily.

My lip quivered, unable to identify whether this was real or a dream. 'am I dead?' I thought to myself as Penguin and Shachi pushed me towards him "Go see him, dude!" They exclaimed.

I forced one leg in front of the other, mindlessly walking into Corazone's arms fast enough to still be accepted in a hug. Once his warm, long arms wrapped around me, I broke down in tears "I thought you died." I spoke trying to keep myself from sounding as though I had been worried or even upset about the fact that he had been gone for so many years.

"I would've died... But, just as Doflamingo left after shooting me, (y/n)'s father found me, and did what he could to fix me up. " Corazone explained

"My father healed you?" (Y/n) asked in disbelief

"He did."  Corazone spoke softly

The look on her face was a mixture of confusion and dissatisfaction. It looked like she wasn't sure whether or not he was incorrect with his words. It was as if she couldn't believe that her father would go out of her way to save someone, let alone have it be Corazone.

"I have a hard time believing that piece of shit did anything worth while. But, I know you don't lie.... What did he do exactly?" She asked

"Used Doflamingo's nurses against him. He works under a line of the government, which means he has to listen to authority such as your father.. well.. at that time anyway.. over time, Doflamingo gained more and more power to the point where your father had to make him a deal. To send you in to marry him to keep peace between pirates and Marines. A treaty, if you will..." Corazone spoke with such a serious tone that even a joke to try to lighten the mood wouldn't even do it's job.

A tension crossed the room making the aura go grim and dark. As if some satanic ritual with a human sacrifice was just witnessed on live television. Something not many people could stomach unless they were trained to do so.

"Well, welcome home!" Penguin tried, only to be shot down my death glare of 'don't even try  it'.

"I appreciate the welcome, but there is a lot more to this gruesome tale than I have told... Law... Do you remember why I tried to balance time with you and when I went missing for a couple days when you were younger?" Corazone asked

"You don't mean --"

"I do... I had to balance that time in order to make sure the marriage could never happen. We don't need to force a woman into marriage when she clearly doesn't love the man she's told to marry.... I did everything I could to destroy those papers I had with me." Corazone spoke firmly

"You protected me without really even knowing I existed at the time?" She asked

"I did... And when I found you in that jail in the basement, I knew I had to do what I could to get you out... And I'm glad that I did... Your lives would've been a hell-of-a-lot different." Corazone spoke calmly

"Are you still working under the Marines?" I questioned

"No." Corazone said

"I see... So then, what are you doing?"

"Making plans to make sure this world is brought to better days... I may be a celestial dragon, but I don't use that against others... With that power alone, I have all legal rights to declare a war on my brother... But I don't want people to die needlessly." Corazone said solemnly

"Don't worry about that war... We know of someone who already kicked his ass." She said vaguely

Everyone looked at her in confusion, even me.. that was until it clicked.

---------------------Monkey D. Luffy------------------------

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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