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(Y/n) POV

I was listening to music with Shachi and Penguin while doing chores, which seemed to make it go by faster. We were done in around 2 hours when it would've been a full day's worth of work.

I washed the tables and counters, Shachi did the dishes, Penguin cleaned the windows and window rims. I felt eyes on me for most of the time, which didn't bother me one bit. When we got done with our jobs, we swapped places. Penguin dried the dishes and put them away, while I had Shachi hold me up on his shoulders, so I could take a trip into the vents to dust them out. He lifted me up more by using my feet and lifting me up by my ankles, but he needed to shift me a lot more, eventually he jumped me up a bit making me hit my head on the metal rim. I yelped lost balance making me fall backwards, only for him to follow close behind.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" Shachi asked with worry in his voice as he quickly got up to check for any wounds.

"Yeah.." I said while holding my head a bit and checked for blood. I was clean, so I brushed it off. "Let's keep going. Law might get mad if we take too long." I said with a smile.

"Uh-- yeah.. Okay." He said as we got right back to it as if nothing happened.

Once we cleaned out all the vents as good as we could, my arms were pretty grey from dust. I was them off and next was the chairs.

Shachi did the chairs, as I did the laundry, Penguin ended up cleaning toilets. Most of laundry was a waiting game, which allowed me to do more than what I really wanted to.

"(Y/n)-ya" Law's voice echoed throughout the hall. I stopped dead in my tracks and looked at him before reaching my destination.

"Yeah?" I questioned

"First of all, why are you helping the boys with their chores?" He questioned

"To make it go by faster, because I want to play some games with them before we get to the next island." I answered

"So, you're bored?" He questioned

"Yeah.." I answered

"Well, I could've had you do something while they do their chores." He said

"Nah, this is alright. We'll be done faster anyway... We're almost done now." I said calmly.

"Right.. Anyway, come with me." He said

"Why?" I asked becoming more skeptical

"I need a few tests from you." He stated. I took a cautious step away from Law, I didn't like that word... I put my weight on the first foot that took a step back, then I slowly moved to keep going backwards. When we started walking towards me, I quickly backed away.

"Wait, no no no no! Stop!" I yelped as I turned around and ran into the main area and hid behind the furniture, "No, Law, stop!" I screamed as I saw him enter the room.

"These tests only require your brain." He said

"No! I like my brain! I may be dumb, but I still want it!" I cried out as the fear became more evident to him.

"I'm not taking it out. I'm trying to see how smart you are.. It'll help me assess where you struggle and allow you to work on what your not so good at. I will also be giving you challenges based the IQ test." Law explained

"IQ test? What's that?" I asked as I kept my distance.

"IQ test is an Intelligence Quotient test. Basically it assess your understanding of what you've learned previously. You may be 160, like Einstein or you could get a 10.. If you're really good, then you'll be close to William Sidis with an IQ of 300.. You would be an absolute menace to society... I was going to see exactly where you stand, and where we can build off from and create a better understanding of your brain patterns." Law explained calmly

"No needles?" I asked cautiously

"No needles, no lab coats, no safety goggles, nothing but a pen, the test paper, and your brain. That's it." He said. I dropped my guard a bit, then agreed. I followed him to the room and saw some chemistry strainer tubes that seemed to be sterile. I saw a latex glove box, but more important, his desk that held a light overhead, a paper with questions written on it and a pen. "You have 25 minutes to complete this first test. You cannot skip or go back to any question on this paper. Do your best." He explained as I sat down in the office chair.

I started working, noticing patterns quickly.

Time skip

After the test, he calculated my I.Q. he smiled brightly and gave me a peaceful gaze, which threw me off. "You have an IQ of 157. That's really close to Einstein's level." I looked at him and then to the pencil he had given me almost afraid of that number. He gently put his hand on my shoulder, making me look at him. He smiled with a different expression. "That's good." He said making me relax a bit, showing a small smile.

"Does that mean I'm like Einstein?" I asked

"In intelligence, that depends on the way you're using your brain. So, let's say you've encountered a situation previously that none of us have, your pattern recognition is 40%, so you'll know more about the situation. Your instinct level is 49%, which means most of your instincts have been active, the rest is all normal school taught knowledge, which is only 11%." He spoke calmly

"I never went to school." I stated

"Then what did you do growing up?" He asked

"I was forced into training. Doing things that would've been seen as unhealthy for a 10 year old. Doing whatever I was ordered to by the higher ups.." I said softly "I was tested on a lot as a kid as well." I added

"That's why you were so scared.. You thought needles, wires, random medicines, and enhancements were going to be made... No. I'll tell when a needle is present and what that needle is for." He said calmly.

"No, I don't want a needle near me ever again." I whined, afraid that it would hurt.

"The needles I use don't hurt." He tried persuading

"Liar." I confirmed with a little bit of anger towards his obvious lies.

"You haven't even given me a chance to prove myself." He calmed

"I don't need you to confirm it. Needles hurt no matter who uses them." I argued

"I promise you, if I need to give you a shot for the flu or even something like tetanus or something, I'll be gentle." He said trying to convince me to trust him.

"Your words are falling on deaf ears." I said as I got up and walked out of his office and out into the main area to see that everyone was gone. I felt a sense of anxiety, it was almost like a fear of being alone. I was expecting Penguin, Shachi, or even Bepo to be around.

But there was no one.

I slowly made my way back into Law's office to see he was also gone. My anxiety sky rocketed to the top, out of the charts of measurement.

I felt my heart racing, my mind running with random thoughts that were irrational. 'Did I do something? Did everyone get sucked out into a vortex? What's happening!?' I thought to myself as Law walked back in, the second I saw him I relaxed.

He laughed a bit, which surprised me, but he shook his head and went to work. "What made you come back?"


"Anxiety? What happened?"

"I was alone out there.. I thought everyone disappeared."

"Nope. They were sent down to fix a breach.. We hit a coral reef and it broke a section of the submarine because Shachi fucked it up." Law stated calmly, which relaxed me just a bit. "It's being fixed, so it'll be okay" he added

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