Burnt Bridge

522 18 1

(Y/n) POV

I've been on the submarine for a little over 2 month. My ankle is healed, but I still need to rest for the other bones that too damage. Penguin and Shachi have been keeping me company whenever Law wasn't around. We'd play card games like Uno, slap jack, speed, and spoons. Penguin always started deep conversations, which was currently taking place. "So, what motivates you to be here?"

"Like.. What made me want to run away?" I questioned

"Yeah.. What made you run off from being apart of the Navy?" He asked

"That's a sensitive topic.." I answered softly "but, to summarize, I was experimented on, and I was forced to eat a devil fruit. On top of that, I trained under multiple generals, and by the age of 10, I learned how to kill people without really needing to touch them. I was used as a weapon, my own family was terrified of my existence, and they were going to kill me. They drugged me and tried to take my life... So I ran." I said explained in a shorter version.

"Were you going to kill anyone?" Shachi asked

"I never planned to.. I killed 3 Marine admirals while training. I never meant to kill anyone, but I was afraid that if I didn't I would've been punished." I answered

"They punished you if you didn't kill someone?" They asked sounding a little scared

"No, they punished me if I didn't follow through with the task... Missions and tasks are different for the kind of job I was in. Missions were something on the outside to report back, and tasks are more or less training sessions that you had to follow through, otherwise you'd never get to go outside." I explained calmly which seemed to ease their nerves a bit.

"Are you going to stay with us after you've fully healed?" Shachi asked

"Probably not. Law doesn't seem to like me, so the likelihood of me being able to stay is slim to none. Not to mention, you 2 are the only ones out of the entire crew that actually has made an effort to make me feel like I belong, despite the fact that I'm a complete stranger." I voiced as I played the Queen of Spades card.

"Law is always like that. It's nothing against you, he's just--"

"He broke my ankle because I didn't want to say my last name. He didn't need it, yet he continued to question me, hurting me in the process." I argued

"He did need it. It was so he could have a record of who was in here, and their medical status." Penguin spoke, trying to justify his actions.

"So he broke my ankle?" I questioned

"There's no justifying that. He probably didn't know how else to get it out of you." Shachi said as he played a King of Diamonds.

Penguin sighed realizing that I wasn't too interested in staying as of right now. But, I definitely couldn't go anywhere. I had another month or so to still have that change.


I heard everything that was said. I've been listening from the start, only to make sure she wasn't turning my crew against me. I had suspensions since she arrived.

'She feels belittled.. She feels lost, and she feels out of place. I don't hate her, I'm just cautious.' I thought to myself as I sighed and walked away, finally realizing her intentions.

"What happened, Law?" Bepo asked

"I understand her more." I said as I walked passed. Bepo then ran to her room, when I looked to see, the subtle noise from the room stopped. Their conversation, heavy or not, was cut short.

"What are you planning?" Bepo asked

"Me?" (Y/n) asked curiously


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