Chapter 15

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The king of hearts stared at the ceiling and the diamond king lectured the club about going off plan. "The guy was rude to (y/n) and hit her. I couldn't have her hurt."

"What's so special about this girl?" Alexa mutters under her breath. She was in the kitchen where the kings plus joker were having a meeting. She didn't know where the joker came from, but she ignored him.

Unfortunately the most psychotic out of the five had good hearing. He got up angrily until the heart said "If you hurt my sister I will call that mental hospital again and tell them you need to go back."

The joker glared at the king of hearts before retreating to his seat. Alexa frantically left the kitchen and hid in her room.

"Reese, what's your cat's name?" The spade said cuddling the cat.

"Jasper leave Max alone." The heart sighed as the spade stopped smuggling the cat away.

"You guys say I'm crazy. What about that obsessive little shit?" The Joker commented.

"I will not hesitate to tear you limb from limb and send your dead body to y/n."   No one had a response to the comment.

The diamond was bored. He hated that he had little to no say in choosing these idiots. The previous kings that choose him just ignored his say in the vote for a freshmen king. Year after year he had to suffer with their idiotic antics and their obsessive behavior. The heart had a fucking shrine for her since 7th grade after a few games of poker.

The heart has been waiting for the perfect moment. He's been making plans for years on what he was going to do. He just needed to wait for the old senior king to leave. That guy could find out any plot in a matter of seconds. When he left someone "accidentally" ran him over. Unfortunately, the other kings wanted a part of his plan. But he will find a way for you to become his and his only.

The club hummed to himself songs from be more chill. Not particularly paying attention to them. He doesn't even know why he attends these he could be doing something better like rewatching a musical. He probably obsessed the least over you. He wanted you to be his but this was too much even for him. Their plans were diabolical and he didn't want to do want he had to. He knew he was going to regret it for the rest of his life but he wouldn't have a life if he didn't.

The spade glared at the joker as he fixes his crown. He only wore it around the other king to make him feel superior. He tried to wear one at school but it got taken away by one of the teachers. It's safe to say that teacher isn't happy with his family. Everyone at school knew he was better but the kings wouldn't believe it. He knew you would understand when he finally gets you in his grasp.

What jasper thinks he is vs. What he really is

The joker sharpened his pocket knife before handing it to the club

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The joker sharpened his pocket knife before handing it to the club. "I'm willing to help you.  Just say the word and I'll do the deed." He smiled. The joker had been helping every king in one way or another. It's his job. Who do you think helped Atlas kill Nate? Who do you think bought the rope(Despite the diamond being rich and full capable of buying it himself)? He's been working behind the scenes every day since day one. He told Atlas where to find you in the graveyard. He even set up Nate and Alexa so Reese could see you again.

The club sighed and asked, "Reese you gave her the ace of clubs right?"

The heart responded with a nod and gave him a bag. "Put the head in here when you're done. I have a plan."

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