Chapter 28

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That night you sneaked out of your room and went to Alice's. You needed to explain yourself and try to find a way to escape. If she doesn't want to work with you then you have to find a way out on your own. No matter what.

You opened her door and walked in. Alice was sitting on her bed just on her phone.  She glanced at you but went back to being on her phone.

"Wait how did you get a phone?" You asked. When she didn't respond you asked another question. "Why haven't you used the phone to call the police and escape?"

She doesn't respond but only glances at you. "I know you're still mad about the Sasha thing and all. But i promise theres a reason." 

"A reason? How can there be a reason to you fucking killing my best friend!" She started out calming then started to raise her voice. "I don't care what she did or said to you she didnt do anything to me! She was a good person!" 

You took a deep breath in and out trying to make sure you didn't start yelling at her until her next words came out. "I have hated you and blamed you every second I've been trapped her." 

Your heart sank and you stopped breathing. "Every bad thing that had happened to me was because of you in one way or another." She continued. "First the murder of Sasha, then Nero jumping off a building, and lastly you even being here! Everything is your fault, and you just ignore it all!" 

Your eyes got watery. No you couldnt cry. Not in front of Alice. You couldn't look weak. She had to like you. She had to think you were strong and could handle everything. Maybe this was just a test from her. Like the ones your father used to put you through to make sure you were worthy and wouldnt breakdown. That had to be the reason.

 You just have to bottle up all your emotions like youve been doing for years. 

Surely theres more room in the bottle.

Shoving Alice's yelling into the bottle the tears started to go away as you prepared yourself to talk. "That's the worst of it Y/n! The constant ignorance an attitude like everything's fine. Nothing is fine! It's all ruined, and it's all because of you. All because you couldn't handle me being friends with her!"

"You don't know a thing about me do you?" You look up at her ready to speak up. You took years of being talked down like this from your father when he was around. Now was your time. Alice was going to have to listen to you one way or another. 

"Don't act like you're so innocent. I told you after evrything that happened Sasha and her friend group we're sending me death threats and when i told you about them you just said 'Its just their humor they aren't going to do anything.' When Sasha came up to me in the middle of the night with i knife did i just let myself get stabbed? No! I fought back! Its not my fault that Nero just happened to be walking by and witness it!" You yelled taking out the years youve wanted to yell at your father to Alice.

She quickly pulled out her phone and texted someone as a smug smile made her way onto her face. Her brown eyes pericing into your soul. "Wow you finally speak up for yourself" She stood up and got close before whispering in your ears. "Don't forgot who has the advantage over the boys. With one text i call get them to take yyou away." 

Someone knocks on the dor. "Come in!" Alice yells smileing at you. Leo comes in with Xander just behind him. Thousands of sitiuions run through your mind on what Alice could have told them. You give a pleading look to her begging her not to do this until she says "Do what you want with her it doesnt affect me."


A/N: Again I am so so so sorry for not updating. Schools started again and I've been drained. I did get this chapter out, but it glitched and only showed part of it so K had to rewrite it. My plan on how I executed this change, but my main point got across. Y/n bottles up her emotions.

Thank you so much for 30k readers I only wrote this because I was bored and i did not expect it to get this much attention. I feel like i should do something special like "A Afterlife Aftershow with Nero or something.

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