Chapter 30

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The pitter-patter of the rain surrounded you as Alice walked home with you. It was a rainy day and Alice forgot her umbrella, so you decided to help out. 

"I heard from Alexa that Reese had a temper tantrum when he heard he didnt get the position of king." Alice gossiped. 

"That sounds like him." You took a deep breath "I've known Reese since middle school, yet he always seems to surprise me with how immature he can be."

Alice chuckled as you approached her house. "Well this is sadly my stop. Wish I could have talked with you more."

You had only met Alice a few weeks ago, and she had already became one of your friends. "See you tomorrow!" You waved goodbye as you walked away. 

Your phone buzzed and you checked it. It was sadly a message from Sasha. You thought you blocked her, but she always finds a way back into your life. The message read "We need to talk. Meet me at my house in ten minutes." 

Not wanting to deal with her you just responded "Sry. Got plans with Nero." You did have plans with Nero, but you weren't really sorry. You were just always taught to be kind to someone until you stab them in the back. Well the backstabbing never came. It was mainly some messed up moral stuff your parents taught you when they were in town. Nate gave you a better version is to just be and kind of blend in. The worst thing you can do is get involved with something you didn't want to be a part of. You probably should have taken his advice to avoid the kings. Oh well, Nate's dead, and you're trapped in a situation you dont want to be in. 

About halfway to your house you see Sasha running towards you. "Theres goes my sanity" You mutter.

"You're an asshole you know that right? You got Xander taken away when he didn't deserve it."  She yelled. Shes still mad about Xander? That was months ago. 

Controlling your temper and forcing the calmest voice you could. "He pushed me in a river when i rejected it. I think he did deserve it." You turn around to meet those green eyes always filled with jealousy and anger. "You have to accept that Xander wasn't the boy you thought he was. I was in denial about it for a while too."

She looked down clenching her fist. Judging by how she was wet she ran here without an umbrella. Being a nice person you were about to offer yours until she launched herself you.


Nero inspected himself in the mirror. He wanted to look perfect for you. It wasnt a date or anything like that he just didnt want to disappoint you. When he was sure everything was exactly the way he needed it to be he left the house. He stared up into the cloudy sky and sighed. "Thats not a good sign."

Walking down the sidewalk coordinating every step in a straight line he looked up when he heard a scream.   He witnessed you battling off an angry Sasha with an umbrella. Any normal person would call the police to report the fight. However, Nero is not normal. He glanced the streets and saw there was no one else to witness anything. 

He rushed to the fight and pulled Sasha back as she kicked and tried to free herself from his arms. Adrenaline pumping through your veins and all self-control out the window you bashed her head in with your umbrella assuming Nero was helping you. He dropped her body and backed away when he saw you. Bruise's and cuts littered your skin and blood dripped from your umbrella. "Y-you killed her."

"The endless torture would have never stopped from her unless I got rid of her. She attacked me first, so I was acting in self-defense. I didn't do anything wrong here!"You justified your reasoning. 

"Did I say I was against it?" He questioned. Deep down he was scared how this would turn out. "I don't think killing her would count as an act of self-defense we should probably do something. Knowing your history with her they would think you would have murdered her anyway."

Nero picked up the body. He signaled for you to follow you. "I will cover for you. I will make sure the kings don't suspect anything. I do have an idea on how to get them off your trail." You made a stop at his house to pick up a garbage bag and a knife. This wasn't going to be pretty, but it had to be done. 

One by one you worked together to chop up her body parts and put them in the bag. You and Nero spent the next few hours together waiting for the school to be empty. You two broke into the school and scattered her body parts around. When you were finished you threw away your umbrella and you and Nero went separate ways. 

The next day the hallways were stained with blood and the smell of someone being murdered lingered in the air. You ended up getting a few weeks off of school as they try to figure out the murderer. Nero did an excellent job of taking the blame off of you until one day he cracked. Well Atlas forced it out of him. 

"Hey is everything ok? You've been acting strange ever since this queen thing." Atlas interrogated. 

"I'm fine I swear." Nero lied. HE couldnt tell anyone he promised you.

Atlas sighed and sat next to Nero. "I know something is wrong. Your mask is slipping."  

"You know I stopped pretending to be something I'm not." Nero defended. Atlas was drilling for the truth and wouldn't stop until he got the full truth. 

"I'm not stupid like Judas." Atlas looked Nero directly in the eyes. "I know you've done something you regret"

"Fine. Theres this girl I really like, and we were going to hang out the night before the murder and when I saw her she was getting attacked by the girl that got murdered. My instincts to protect her kicked in, and I held the victim back. But the girl i liked saw it was a chance to bash her head in. I help dismember the victim because I really like this girl and I don't want to hurt her or watch her get hurt. You must promise to not tell anyone else."  Nero repeated the event of that night. 

Atlas nodded in understanding. "What is this girl's name." 

"I can't tell you." Nero looked away. "You'll report her to the police." 

Atlas released an angry breath before saying. "If you really love this girl then you should tell me her name. If it ever comes up in conversation i will protect her." 

Nero knew Atlas would get this information some way and gave up. "Y/n L/n" 

Atlas nodded leaving Nero alone. 

A few months went by. He couldn't take it. The pressure was getting to much to handle. Apparently Judas was listening in and was not leaving Nero alone about it. It was never in his plan for you to see. He should have known by now things never go as planned. 

He stared down at the ground he was ready. 

He was ready to be free of everything. 

He was ready to let go. 

Hr was ready to stop pretending everything was ok. 

He was ready to give up on life.

The next week the king replaced him with Reese. That moment when they just replaced Nero is when your hatred for the kings and their puppets began. 

A/n the longest chapter yet. 1273 words. Sometimes i fell bad for Nero. Then I remembered everything will be ok in one of the endings. 

I should probably write something more progressive to the storyline and not flashbacks...

Eh. I'll get to it.

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