Chapter 33

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If there was one of the kings you wish you had gotten to know more it would be Atlas. If it weren't for the king psychopath sort of thing Atlas would be a cool person to hang out with. Well once you got to know him and knocked down those protective walls. 

However, in your current situation seeing Atlas wasn't a good thing. "What do you want" You stared blankly at the man you used to call "The Ice King". 

"Please excuse my intrusion. I have some questions I need to ask you. These important questions must be answered before the next few days." He walked in and looked around. "First, have you figured out who did what?" You didn't respond at first. You didn't have any idea and honestly forgot about it between trying to escape and balancing these five psychopathic boys. He looked at you before saying. "I'll put that down as a no." 

You didn't want to talk to anyone. "How do you feel about Alice? I didn't pick this one Jasper did." Your head perked up at the mention of also but then fell back down when the little demon was mentioned. 

"I like Alice. We used to hang out all the time. She liked me until she found out." You remembered bashing Sasha's head in and it felt good. I mean she tried to kill you first, so it was justified. 

"What ran through your mind when you killed her?" He interviewed. "Don't mind my curiosity." 

You remembered that night. The thousands of voices in your head yelling at you for every action. "One word survive. I mean Nero did hold her back, so she couldn't attack me anymore, but she would always try again. If I wanted to live I had to kill her!" 

Atlas chuckled, he didn't blame you. He knew what it was like to have that rush of adrenaline. Common sense didn't quite work when you're murdering someone. Well, you would say "self-defense" but he knew you wanted something like that to happen. You wanted her to attack you, so you could justify killing her if the time ever came. 

"This is the last one." You glanced away for a second before returning his gaze. "When the time came who would you most likely go to in case you had to choose between the five of us?" 

"What is it with you guys and this? Are you planning something? Do you have something planned where I choose one of you and that's the winner?!" You lashed out. You were tired of hearing them say shit like this. Atlas didn't respond, but you knew he meant yes. "You guys think I'm a prize to be won, don't you? And you guys wonder why I can barely tolerate you five!"

"Well, there's no other way out of here. I actually thought you would be quite fond of the idea."

"What made you think that?!" 

"You do want to leave this place. It's clear there is no other way out except through one of us. I mean you would be free for the most part, and you only had to deal with one of us." 

"You barely know me. did you ever think if you actually took the time outside to get to know me outside this mess, maybe, just maybe I would be willing to be friends with you?" 

"That would have been a good idea. Reese really needs to come up with better plans."

"You should never rely on Reese for plans. Isn't that obvious?" 

"Well, he offered." 

"Can you just leave me alone? I am getting annoyed and would prefer to not punch a hole in a wall or bottle it all up again." 

With those words, he left. 

A/N: So can you just actually put in order the kings+Xander from favorite to the least ex:

2. Sec 

Add the endings wonderland and death row on there too. The votes will help me know what endings to post first. I still need to write maybe one or two chapters before the endings, but I still need to figure out two of the endings.

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