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My name is [Y/N]. I'm a 16-year-old girl who's best friends with Link!

He's a nice guy. "Cool" is what I'd call him. Not my "knight in shining armor".

He's a cool hero! Zelda's really good friends with me as well, but I worry she could see me as competition... but enough about that! Let's get down to the problem.

I feel... stalked. I can't go anywhere without a candle or lantern. At night I feel like the shadows are watching me... At times, I make lame excuses for either Link or Zelda to sleep with me. I feel safer having someone around. No one can hurt me.

But that's stupid, right...?

Yeah, I know in the original it was kind of Zelda slander with Y/N stating Zelda "held a grudge" against her. But I'm getting real sick of fics demonizing her because she's in the way of some smoochy smoochy time with Linky-poo.

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