Shadow... or Vio?

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I couldn't figure out Shadow. Sometimes he was kind, other times he was rude. I shook my head and sat up.

"I don't get him. He came when my..." I realized something. "My mirror!" I groaned and jumped off the bed. I began to change my clothes. As I was shuffling the door creaked open. I turned to see Vio!

"Oh, it's you!" I laughed, and continued to straighten my skirt.

"Oh? Oh. Shadow was here?" He asked. I nodded. "Where have you been?"

He hung his head. "You see... I... killed Green."

"Y-you-?" My eyes widened in shock. I felt hot tears stinging my eyes. "...You MONSTER! How could you! He was your brother!" I sobbed.

"[Y/N], hold on! I—"

"NO! I don't wanna hear it! You killed him!" I cried and collapsed on the bed and continued to wail.

"Please listen to me, [Y/N]." I felt warmth on my back as he patted me comfortingly.

"Get off me!" I yelled.

"Just wait a moment." Vio sighed.

"Okay, FINE." I growled and turned over.

"I didn't kill Green. It was a trick to fool Shadow and gain his trust... I'm not with him." Vio explained to me. He set aside a tray of food.

"Anyway, as I was saying earlier... all of us, each Link, even Shadow, have a deep regard for you. Well, more like love. We all want you." He sighed.

Then his lips connected mine. Heat rushed to my face as I kissed back. Vio's hands trailed up my body and cupped my face. Then I heard the door open. Vio lifted his head up taking a breath of air, a cyclops was at the door.

"Lord Shadow is calling for you."

"Tell him I'll be right there." Vio said before calmly getting off me. "Link might remember this."

"No kidding..." I stammered.

"Heh. I'll see ya later." He said, shutting the door. I went to the tray of food, swallowing the food hesitantly.

I. Kissed. Link. And. Liked. It.

But even though Vio's had want, Shadow's kisses had need. Like he needed me to kiss him, he needed me to love him.

Shadow. Or Vio.

I couldn't figure that out yet. Not like this, not as Vio making me a blushing mess, not Shadow making me feel out of place.

My head spun thinking of the others. I sat down to think. Who could I choose? I can't choose now! Everyone is competing for me!

For... me...


Had to remove the "This wasn't two girls one cup, this was five guys one girl" line, because that was very distasteful.

art by sumire4141.

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