Why? Because I Said So.

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I yawned and rubbed my eyes finding myself carried by Blue. The pride on his face was so clear, I could almost think he was in a window. I knew why he was proud, he was going to defeat Ganon...

"Goooooooood morning [Y/N]!" Red squealed into my ear. I giggled and yawned again. "Morning..." I tucked my [H/C] hair behind my ear. Blue looked at Green and frowned. "Do I have to put her down?" Vio glanced at him.

"Yes, if she's awake set her down. Gently." Green scolded him. Blue sighed, and THREW ME INTO THE FUCKING GROUND.

I sighed as I got up and kept walking.

"Where to, Red?" I asked the red boy.

"We're going to... Hmmmm... Hey, Miss Fairy, where are we going?" he asked. The fairy swirled around him.

"To the Sanctuary, of course!" she said, and swirled around us as well. I grabbed Green (as he was the closest), but I ended up pulling him close.

"Dang it!!" I heard Blue whine.

Eventually, we all landed in the sanctuary. "This is... the sanctuary..."

"It's where we met!" Red cheered.

"It's where we fought." Blue grumbled.

"It's where we learned." Vio smiled. A light rained down from the heavens as Red exclaimed, "The six maidens we rescued!"

"Yes, we're here to help you into the Wind Palace." They said and smiled warmly at us before we started floating up.

"Up, up you go!" They said as we flew higher and higher until we were in the clouds. 

I landed and looked around for the others. But they weren't near me... strange...

"Blue?" I called out as a blond head popped up.

"Hey [Y/N]!" It was Red! I ran over and heard someone complain, "Ouch! You stepped on my foot!" I looked up and saw Blue.

"Ahh, my bad." I said sheepishly.

Blue grumbled about "the things you do for love." Red looked up. "Is it just me or is that cloud moving towards us? At a really fast pace, too!"

"Let's find the others, pronto!" Blue shouted and started to run.

I started to follow them, but something caught my leg.

"Wait, guys!" I cried as the black smoke ran up my leg.

WHY IN HYRULE AM I ALWAYS GETTING CAUGHT?!! I thought bitterly as the smoke choked me.


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