5. The Deed

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*Sexual content warning in this chapter!*
Also I have close to no experience writing anything sexual so please be patient with me. It's a learning process.


His touch caused her a strange but pleasant sensation she didn't know existed as her breath turned uneven. He ran his hands down her thighs again, this time pulling up her dress to feel her skin as he did, leaving a trace of goosebumps. "And what if I manage to cause a feeling stronger than pain?" His eyes looked at her startled face, seeping with amusement at her reaction to his touch.

His deep voice echoed slowly, "A feeling of pleasure?" His tongue rolled the 'r' in pleasure.

Confused by the sudden feeling, Viola opened her mouth to speak to no avail. Her eyes scanned his face in search of an answer. He looked so very amused.

Pulling one hand away from her upper leg he stroked his finger along her lower lip, before running his hands down her neck towards her chest.

Overwhelmed by this Viola grabbed his hand forcefully and hurried off his lap and into a stance. Staring at Archer who was visibly amused she only now realized her uneven breathing. His hands somehow made her body feel warm and she could feel the blood raising to her head.

She tilted her head to the side trying not to let him see his impact on her, "You haven't answered my question."

The king leaned his head on his fist, suddenly looking less amused, "I do not see the need for you to leave this room."

Viola shot him a glare. "That's not true is it?" The fact that he had now suddenly caused such an impact on her, embarressed her so she was going to make him unconfortable aswell.

King Archer raised a brow at her. "The truth is that you are scared of me causing you trouble in my new role as Queen, but let me tell you this, your highness." Viola lifted a finger at him, lowered her brows looking him straight in the eyes. "I have no interest in politics, gold, or even power. And I do not intend to fight you for it, but I do get why you are scared." Anger began empowering Viola, "You managed to overthrow my father, which is why you know that it is indeed very possible for you to be overthrown aswell, isn't that right?"

Her words struck the king right where it hurt, causing him to boil with rage as he got up from his chair with a look on his face that would cause her to drop dead if looks could kill. "You are wrong," he spat, his eyes throwing daggers at her. "The difference between me and that failure of a king is that I know how to rule a country. Don't you dare compare me to that scum of a human-" Viola saw red. Every string of patience, control and sanity ripped at that moment, before she even knew what had happened.

Her inner hand collided with his cheek so roughly that she couldn't even think before acting.

The claping sound seemed to echoe through their chambers.

The king stared at her in disbelief with his eyes wide open. Viola's vision turned clouded by tears of anger, "Don't you dare speak ill of my father to my face." She sniffed trying to ignore the stinging on her hand, as she turned and walked straight for the balcony door.

It was the only place she could go since she couldn't leave the chamber without being stopped by the guards. She wouldn't give him the satisfacion of crying in front of him.

The cold night wind tore at her thin dress as she tried fighting the tears that streamed down her cheeks. She looked down at her hand knowing that what she did wasn't alright, but she couldn't help it. Memories of her and her father talking crossed her mind. His laugh and gentle smile crossed her mind as she wiped her cheeks. She tried her very best to conceal her sobs.

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