12. A traitorous friend

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"At one point or another the queen and I must start getting to know each other, there is nothing wrong with that," Archer defended himself.

Malik began making his way up the stairs to the throne, where he sat on the top step, turned, and looked at the king.

"You are right, but you're taking it too far. You even went on an outing with her. Do you know what could've happened if that had been a trap?" Malik's voice grew increasingly frustrated. "She might be your Queen but she is still your enemy!"

Archer remembered Viola saying how she didn't want them to be enemies anymore. "We are no longer fighting against each other."

Malik chuckled mockingly, "Is that what she said?" He rubbed the back of his head. "She really has got you wrapped around her little finger."

Archer narrowed his brows, growing angry at Malik's provocations. "She does not. She is powerless and cannot take a step in this castle unless I allow it."

"You say that Archer, but the truth is you're wrong. The amount of people she talks to is growing. She greets the guards on her way to the royal gardens, she chats with maids that she comes across, not to mention her personal maid and even talks to the gardeners."

"It will take more than small talk with a few maids and gardeners to start an uprising," Archer argued.

Malik turned his head to look at the King, who grew bitter at his words, "You know that, that is not what I'm saying. The maids love her, even if they'd never speak to her in your presence. The guards are fond of her too. Even you only had to spend a day with her to decide that she would be spared during the rebellion."

Somewhere deep down Archer knew that Malik was right and it angered him.

"It is not her strength that makes her a threat, it is her kindness."

Archer nodded, as his mood shifted completely. "That kindness is what is making you let her in, but you don't let people in, Archer. And that is your biggest strength, so don't let her take it from you, because no matter how kind she is you cannot read her soul. We cannot know if she will one day be offered help to overthrow you and if she would take that chance."

Where there was joy, a numbness spread through the King's chest as he let his friend's words sink in. Malik wasn't trying to dishearten Archer and he knew that, but it still weighed heavily on him. He doubted that everything Viola was saying was a lie, but he would not lay his hands into a fire for her loyalty towards him.

The King entered his chamber earlier than usual that evening. His mood was still horrible and his focus had only worsened. He looked around the chamber not seeing Viola anywhere. It was dark out and very unusual for her not to be here. King Archer tightened his hands into a fist, as his imagination began playing games with him.

Was she out, strengthening her bonds with his people? Was she trying to test him to see how long she could stay away without him noticing?

He turned to leave the chambers to find her and give her a piece of his mind, when the door opened and she came in. Seeing him she smiled, "You're back earlier than usual."

Her mood was the polar opposite of his. She'd hummed a song on her way to the chambers and didn't even notice the King's gloomy facial expression. "Where have you been?" His words sounded like a threat.

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