9. The Truth about the Painting

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"It's not like you did it to scare me, I guess," Viola mumbled.

Finally, the King looked her straight in the eyes. "That doesn't make it okay. From now on I want you to tell me when you don't want to be touched."

Viola was surprised by the fact that this actually seemed to be stressing the King. It was odd of him to be so caught up by something like that especially after he'd literally saved her from getting hurt only seconds after.

She looked at the bandage around his head, partly covered by his crown.

"Got it?"

Viola nodded in response.

King Archer was about to get up from the bed to go get changed when a thought popped into his head. "Do you think things would have been easier between you and me under different circumstances?" The King thought out loud.

"What do you mean?"

"Forget I said anything."

Another day had gone by seemingly without any time at all when Viola and Amelie walked through the halls of the castle to the throne room.

"Why do you think the King wants to see you again?" Amelie asked with her usually chirpy voice, only this time with a hearable nosiness.

Viola had told her friend about how they fell down the stairs yesterday but had left out the part where he pulled her onto his lap.

"I'm really not sure," Viola said thinking about the same thing, "All he said is that he wants me to spend the afternoon with him."

Amelie lifted a brow smirking at the Queen making her laugh.

"Well as long as you are cautious of the stairs, it shouldn't be that bad."

"Yeah, yeah," Viola laughed.

As they were walking towards the throne room door, it swung open with force, so much so that Viola knew it could only be the King and his disrespect for door hinges.

And out he came. The tall, broad-chested, blond-haired King of Golland. Her father's crown sat atop his head sparkling as he turned his head locking eyes with his Queen as he spoke to Sir Malik and two of his knights that followed him.

Archer walked towards the Queen who didn't back down from his stare as they came closer.

Sir Malik nodded repeatedly as the King spoke, "Write to Lord Raphael in my name telling him that I will send him a troupe of men."

The King nodded his head straight walking past the Queen motioning her to follow him as the conversation continued. Amelie bowed before the king and queen and took off in another direction.

Sir Raphael? That name somehow rang a bell but Viola couldn't pinpoint from where.

Archer continued, "Also, I entrust you to choose a good troupe of men for the job."

"Yes, your highness," Malik nodded as Viola tried her best to keep up with the quick pace of all four men.

The King's Right Hand went on to ask, "What about the bordering Lords, Hamlet, and Quirk? Shall I inform them as well?"

Only now Viola realized how busy the King must be. It was different when her father was the King. He'd always make others take care of these types of things.

"No, I see no need to do so until we truly know if what Lord Raphael is saying is true."

Sir Malik nodded. Suddenly the king stopped in his tracks halting the group of people following him. "Is that all?" He asked Sir Malik.

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