16. Threat

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Viola's heart skipped a beat. She wasn't trying to manipulate him or make him feel like a fool, but if she was locked up presumingly for the rest of her life, she'd at least want her prison to involve a kitchen.

She'd been living in this castle for a long time before Archer took over and never had she felt free behind these walls but the King sometimes made her feel like she didn't need the outside world. Which didn't mean she didn't crave it. 

The fact that the King seemed kinder since he'd returned was wonderful to Viola but it also made her worry. Her thoughts went back to the blood splatters on his armor.

"Where have you been these past few days?" Viola mumbled unable to contain her curiosity.

"I'd rather we change the subject," the King's voice suddenly sounded bitter.

"You can tell me anythin-."

Archer sat up quickly leaning his elbows on his knees.
"I said, I'd rather not talk about it," he spat.

Surprised Viola sat upright as well, reaching for his arm, but the second the tip of her finger touched him he grabbed her by the wrist forcefully, making her gasp. Seeing the short flash of panic in her eyes the King quickly let go of her. 

"I didn't mean to," Archer mumbled as he turned away lowering his head.

Viola crawled around the king on her knees to sit directly in front of him. "Hey," she whispered, "It's okay, we don't have to talk about it. I won't ask again."

King Archer lifted his head, to look at his Queen who gave him a reassuring smile.

He nodded and to his surprise, Viola leaned up to his forehead and gently placed a small kiss on it. it was the only way she knew how to comfort him. 

She was so close and he wanted her to be closer. Before she could lean out he wrapped his arm around her to keep her near. With his other hand, he cupped her face, looking deeply into her eyes as his emotions overcame him and he closed in on her lips.

Every cell in his body wanted to press his lips onto hers, as his breathing turned uneven, but he stopped just millimeters apart. Their breathing lingered on one another's faces as the King fought his deepest desires. He wanted her, every part of her. Her mind, her body, her soul, But most importantly he wanted her to want him. 
Something softened in Viola's eyes before she closed them and placed her lips on his.

For a short eternity, they'd found a heaven on earth. Archer lost all feeling in his body like he was floating on clouds. 

Their lips parted shortly after, "Is this okay?" Archer whispered with a hoarse voice yearning to kiss her again. Viola answered by leaning back in. She pulled him in, shut him out, ruled him with nothing but her lips and if it was up to the King he'd throw away everything for this one feeling. 

Viola couldn't feel the wind, or her legs or anything besides the feeling of his soft lips on hers. She was addicted. His scent, his arms around her, his warmth. 
Archer used both of his hands to push back her hair before in one swift movement cupping her face as their lips collided.

After a moment Viola leaned out to catch her breath. Her heart felt like it would explode in ecstasy as she studied the King, whose eyes were still closed like he was savoring the moment, before finally blinking to look at her light brown eyes, sparkling at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2023 ⏰

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