11. Enemies or Lovers

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"Hey, wake up," King Archer said pulling his arm out from around his Queen. Viola rubbed her eyes trying to come back to reality. The carriage had come to a halt and through the window, she could see the castle stairs.

Viola followed the King out of the carriage to find a very upset-looking Sir Malik.

"Where have you been?" He grits through his teeth at the King.

"On an excursion," the King tried playing it down.

Sir Malik tried his best not to show his annoyance at his King's behavior. "We do not have time for something like that. The Council is awaiting you and there has been word from Sir Raphael that needs to be attended to."

King Archer waved his hand, "Yeah we should get to it now then instead of arguing about the past."

Viola turned to the King. "Sir Raphael?" She thought out loud. King Archers' face hardened as he shot her a glare that sent a cold shower down her spine. "You are excused," he hissed at her not wanting her to stick her nose into his relations.

Annoyed Viola decided to leave anyways. She made her way up the large marble stairs of the castle entrance to go look for Amelie.

That evening Viola sat by the fireplace deep in thought, when King Archer came back into their shared chamber.
He found it unusual to see her without a book, just staring into the flames.

"It is late, yet you are still up?" Archer asked.

Her gentle eyes watched him as he made his way over to her chair. Archer noticed a hint of seriousness in her voice, "I wish to talk to you about Sir Raphael."

Archers's lips turned into a thin line, "That does not concern you. In fact, none of my relations concern you."

Viola knew he would try to block her off, "I wish to tell you what I've come to learn about him by meeting him. You don't have to tell me anything about your relations, but I wish to warn you."

Archer's curiosity was growing even if he didn't show it.

"Let's hear it then."

Viola was surprised by his will to listen. "I've met Sir Raphael on a few occasions over the years at dinners for example." Viola's eyes met the Kings.

"He is not an honest man. His mouth speaks but his eyes lie. I've met men like him. You must-, you should be careful when dealing with him."

"You act like I don't know what I'm doing or who I'm dealing with," Archer couldn't help but spit.

"What you know about him and how you will deal with him is none of my business, but I thought I'd warn you since we are no longer enemies." Violas tried staying calm.

She got up from the chair and walked around the King to the bed while mumbling, "Or at least that's what I wish we were."

Viola sat down on their bed and began slipping out of her shoes. The king had been right she wasn't usually up this late and it was thinning her composure.

King Archer groaned in annoyance as he rubbed his neck. "Why do you care so much about whether we're enemies or not? It will not change anything."

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