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Bride of Chucky

"Maria, how do I look?" Jade asked as she showed me her outfit for prom.

"You look good Jade, but are you sure you want to be with Jesse?" I asked.

"I thought you were supportive?" Jade asked.

"I'm not going to stop you and I won't tell Uncle Warren I just want to keep you safe," I said.

"I know Ria, but I love him and he makes me happy," Jade said.

"Well I'll let you finish getting ready," I said, giving her a hug and heading downstairs.

"Hey Maria, welcome back, how's college going?" Warren asked.

"Hey Uncle Warren, it's going good, right now I'm finished for the year, I see you have your hands full with Jade," I said.

"I've been keeping Jesse and Jade apart the best that I can, but they've been sneaking around," Warren said.

"I just wish she'd see what kind of guy he is, but I'm not gonna stop her. She needs to make mistakes in her life and hopefully learn from them," I said when there was a knock on the door.

I went and answered it, allowing David in. "Hello. I'm Chief Kincaid, Jade and Maria's uncle" Warren said from behind me.

"David Collins. Nice to meet you, sir" David said, coming inside and shaking his hand as he introduced himself.

"Jade! David's here!" Warren screamed up the stairs. "Well I've been hearing good things about you, David. I understand you're off to Princeton next fall" Warren said.

"Yes, sir," David said

"What are you going to study?" I asked.

"Theater Arts," David said

"Mm-hmm. But on an athletic scholarship, right? Playing hockey?" Warren asked.

"Figure skating," David said.

"Cool," I said smiling at him, Warren looked less than impressed about it.

"Mm-hmm. Jade!" Warren screamed up the stairs

"Warren, don't scream," Jade said as she came down the stairs.

"Hi," Jade said, smiling at him.

"You look great," David said as Jade joined him

"Jade, uh, I have to tell you. This guy is a big improvement over the last one. I think your mother and father would've agreed" Warren said.

"Our parents liked all her friends," I said.

"I'll be home by midnight," Jade said.

"She's in good hands, sir," David said.

"Uh... You forget something?" Warren said, pointing to the corsage box David held in his hand.

"Oh. This is for you" David said, handing her the box.

"I love lilies," Jade said.

"Actually, it's an orchid," David said.

"Uh, cymbidium orchid, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, you can put it in a vase and drop an aspirin in the water, it should last you the whole week," David said before adding on "Or so I read." I rolled my eyes at him which he saw and gave me a small wink. "Nice meeting you," David said, and then they left. I headed outside to the benches as I wanted some fresh air. It started raining shortly after I got out but I ignored it as it was nice to just sit and not think about anything.

I don't know how long I was out there for but eventually Warren left in the cop car. I didn't think anything of it until he came back with Jade, so I knew that her plan to see Jesse went awry. She saw me and came over and sat down. "What happened?" I asked.

"Warren found out about me and Jesse, he threatened to have him arrested for underage drinking and threatened it if we didn't stop seeing each other" Jade said, I hugged her as she sat besides me.

"Cheer up Jade, it isn't the end of the world," I said.

"But I love him Maria, why doesn't Uncle Warren like him" Jade said as she put her head on my shoulder and cried. I wrapped my arms around her as I consoled her.

"I'm sure he has his reasons Jade, but maybe you're just to blinded by love to see it from his point of view" I say softly, not wanting to upset my younger sister.

"What do you mean?" Jade asked pulling away to look at me.

"I mean that love blinds us from seeing people for who they really are, you know how I was with my boyfriends, I overlooked their abusive behaviour because I didn't want to believe what everyone was saying about them. I'm not saying that Jesse is like that, just that love blinds us to see the good in them" I say trying to reason with her.

"Do you think Jesse is wrong for me?" Jade asked.

"Jade you know I love you, but honestly I am not a huge fan of him, and I also know that no matter what I say will dissuade you, so I am choosing to keep my mouth shut and supporting you because I know that's what you want" I answer honestly.

Jade nodded her head "thank you" Jade says softly as she puts her head back on my shoulder and we stay like that out in the rain for a few minutes.

"Now how about I bring you inside and dried off, tomorrow I can do your hair and we can have a spa day, just the two of us" I say as I stand up with her, bringing her inside the house out of the rain.

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