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Jesse pulled into the cemetery and parked the car. Jesse was controlled both by Chucky and Tiffany while I took care of Jade, I untied her but left her hands tied behind her back as we left the van. We went to Chucky's grave where he shot the digger dead, they got Jesse to get down and grab the amulet. When he threw the amulet up hitting his headstone. Chucky grabbed the amulet and Jesse climbed out of the grave, when I looked away Jade kicked Tiffany, I let out a deep growl, and shoved Jade to the ground, where Chucky and Tiffany got Jesse to be next to her. I quickly tied their hands together. When Chucky started the chant when Tiffany let out a blood-curdling scream.

"What's wrong with her?" Chucky asked as he stopped the chant, worry clear in his voice as he dropped the gun and went to Tiffany's side. She continued screaming as both Chucky and I held her hand, I gently brushed my hand against her cheek.

"It's gonna be okay Tiff," I said, when Chucky was knocked into the grave, and the ladder taken out. I noticed Jade was pointing a gun at Chucky who was trapped in his grave,

"Let me out! Let me out! Let me out! Let me out!" Chucky screamed, I was torn between helping Chucky or Tiffany, I decided that I had to help Chucky as his life at this moment was in danger.

I grabbed the gun and shot both Jesse and Jade dead, "drop the gun" a police officer called out, so I did as I was asked.

"Please you have to help me," I said, making tears fall down my face.

"They were going to kill me, they kept me hostage" I cried.

"What's your name deary?" He asked.

"Maria Kincaid, I was pronounced missing a few days ago, they threatened to kill me, forcing me to join them on their murder spree, but I never killed anyone which is why they brought me here, they were going to kill me. I had to kill them so I could live, I wouldn't have if I'd known you were here, you could've arrested them and they would've been trialled to bring their families peace" I said, looking up at them.

"Okay let's get you down to the station to answer some questions," he said, I nodded.

"Could you grab Chucky in the grave, I'll grab Tiff" I said. He nodded and lowered the ladder into the grave and grabbed Chucky. When I went to Tiff, there was now a baby covered in blood, I gently picked him and Tiffany up, she smiled at me and I smiled back. "Congrats on the kid Tiff," I said, she nodded and closed her eyes sleepily.

The baby started crying as I gently rocked him. When he came out of the grave with Chucky, we went to the car and got in, "how is the doll crying?" He asked as he started driving.

"I work in robotics, it's my newest creation, a fully functioning baby," I said, as I gently cleaned him off. I gently rocked trying to soothe the baby after he was cleaned, "he acts just like a real baby so he's probably starting to get hungry" I said.

"Why is he so ugly?" He asked.

"I wouldn't say that, his father has a very bad temper," I said, as Chucky took his knife out and slit his throat before he could wonder what I was talking about.

"Thanks for not letting them kill me," Chucky said.

"You're welcome, we can always find you new bodies," I said, as I lowered the baby down so Chucky could see his child. When Tiffany woke up.

"What happened to the cop?" Tiffany asked.

"He called our kid ugly," Chucky said, Tiffany nodded.

"She's perfect," Tiffany said, as I passed her kid to her.

"You mean he," Chucky said, "we shall call you Glen."

"Glen? What kind of name is that for a girl? Your name will be Glenda" Tiffany said. When we saw headlights in the distance.

"Shit let's go," Chucky said. We nodded, Tiffany passed me the kid and we ran into the forest to not get caught, when we were hidden by trees she held her arms out for her kid, so I passed them back.

"Well it was nice meeting you guys but I have to get home," I said, giving them a smile.

"You can come with us if you want sweetface," Tiffany said.

"Well I have nothing better to do," I said.

"Well since your whole family is dead, how about we head to your place and rest there until we find new bodies," Chucky said. I nodded and we walked back to the road, I had them in my arms and held my thumb out to be picked up when a red car came up, and a female smiled.

"Where's ya headin' doll?" She asked, with a thick southern drawl.

"Home," I said as Chucky threw his knife, hitting her chest as she let out a gasp. I placed them down and took her out of the car as Chucky got his knife and we got in. I sped away leaving her for dead.

I abandoned the car on the outskirts of town and walked the short distance to my uncle's house, the police saw me and came over "Maria where have you been?" She asked as she led me inside the house.

"Jesse and Jade, they kidnapped me and I got away while they left me unattended, I hitchhiked my way home," I said.

"Where are they?" She asked.

"I don't know when I left they were in New Jersey. Could I go and put the dolls in my room?" I asked.

"Of course," she said, I smiled and left the living room and headed up the stairs to my room.

"I'll come up when they're gone" I whispered, Tiffany nodded and I headed back downstairs. "Where's Uncle Warren?" I asked as I sat back on the couch.

"They found his body in Jesse's van," she said, I let out a gasp and tears fell down my face.

"Please tell me you're joking? Tell me it's a joke" I begged as I looked at her, and I saw sympathy in her eyes as she gave me a hug and I cried on her shoulder. "If it's okay with you I think I would like to be alone, I'll call if Jade or Jesse come by. I just need to process everything that's happened in the last two days" I hiccuped.

"Of course, we're planning the Chief's funeral tomorrow. We encourage you to come and celebrate his life and mourn his death" she said.

"Of course, would you mind sending someone to come pick me up?" I asked and she nodded as she stood up.

"Of course, I'm so sorry for your loss," she said as she and the other two officers left. When I was sure that they were gone I went up to my room and opened the door.

"They're gone," I said, giving them a smile and headed back downstairs. I went to the kitchen as Chucky and Tiffany came down.

"Sweet face, can you watch Glenda while Chucky and I go out?" Tiffany asked.

"Of course," I said and Tiffany passed me their kid and they left the house. I cooed at the kid enjoying their laughter. "Oh, who's such a good baby" I cooed, lightly touching their nose, smiling as they laughed. "You're going to have a crazy life Glen, but I know your parents love you a lot," I said as I started to rock them.

After four hours they were asleep so I swaddled them and put them in a clothing basket with a pillowcase underneath so they could sleep. I placed them on my dresser as I laid down in the bed and allowed sleep to take me.

I woke up in the morning to them crying their head off, so I got up and gently rocked them, I went around the house looking for Tiffany so she could feed them, but I couldn't find either of them, I started to get a little worried, but I wrote a small note 'gone to get formula' I wrapped Glen up in old baby clothes that my parents never threw out so they wouldn't get cold. I walked to the local Walmart and quickly bought a pack of diapers for a doll, bottles, a cleaner, and formula before going and paying for it. When it was paid I headed home and mixed up the formula and fed them. "I wonder where Tiff and Chucky are," I said, thinking out loud.

When the bell rang so I went and answered the door, "it's time for the funeral" she said, I nodded, and we left. I made sure to keep a hold of Glen as we left. We went to the cemetery and sat down. I wasn't even present, I was focused on keeping Glen quiet and wondering where Tiffany and Chucky were. At the end, they gave me the flag they had on top of his casket, I gave a sad smile before they dropped me off at home. "Good luck," she said, as she stopped in front of my house.

"Thank you," I said, giving a sad smile before heading inside the house. When I again looked around for Chucky and Tiffany but they weren't here yet that I started to get worried.

Chucky my WayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora