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Tiffany started doing her makeup on Jade. "So how long have you known about them?" Jade asked as I ate the Swedish meatballs that Tiffany prepared.

"Since Norton's death," I said.

"Then why didn't you tell us?" Jesse asked, looking at me from the rearview mirror.

"What so you could tell me it was just a story? And he said they'd let me go if I did everything they said, even if not then at least I got to live a little while longer, and wouldn't have been trapped in the box with Uncle Warren" I said.

"And you trust him?" Jade asked.

"You know I've always put my trust into the bad ones so why not try another, and see how it works out this time, anyways I trust Tiff more. Only because she's stopped him from killing me a few times already" I said.

"And you trust when this is over they're just going to let you walk free?" Jesse snarked.

"Unlike you Jesse I don't make rash decisions, I think things through. If it bites me in the ass who the fuck will care. I'll have no family left, no friends. I'm a loner who does what she wants. The only friends and family I had left were you, Jade, David, and Warren. And by the end, every one of you will be dead. So I have nothing to lose" I said.

"Rash decisions? You're siding with a serial killer" Jade said, I snarled at her, she was shocked by my expression because she pulled back, which caused Tiffany to poke her eye as she tried to keep the liner on her.

"I'm siding with myself, and technically by definition I'm a serial killer" I snapped.

"Who did you kill?" Jesse asked.

"Our parents, and one person every year since, including Diane from the hotel," I said.

"Why?" Jade asked, struggling slightly against her bonds.

"Hold still, honey, or I'm gonna poke you in the eye again. Yes. I believe I'm going to look absolutely ravishing" Tiffany said, and that stopped her struggling.

"Because it's fun, it's relaxing. The need builds up and I have to let it out somehow and killing does let it out. And besides our parents Diane really deserved it" I said.

"Why did they deserve it, sweetface?" Tiffany asked.

"Our parents hit me, I protected Jade from them, but when dear old dad decided I wasn't good enough in bed that he would start to use Jade. That night I decided enough was enough. Then Diane stole your wallet Jesse so I was just getting it back, I also had a few choice words to tell her before she ya know died, but that doesn't matter" I said.

"Is that why you always had those bruises, and after they died you didn't?" Jade asked.

"Yes, you're my little sister Jade. I had to protect you, but now you're all grown up and I need to protect myself for once, it's no longer my duty to protect you, especially because my last attempt you didn't listen to me. Do you even know who you married?" I asked.

"I think I do," Jade said.

"Oh honey no you don't, Jesse was Meredith's ex, the one who used to beat her, the one who got her pregnant three separate times, the one who killed their kids because he didn't want to be a father. He was the reason Mere killed herself Jade, uncle Warren while trying to protect his image was also deep down trying to protect you as well" I said.

"Jesse?" Jade asked, looking up front but Jesse refused to look back at us when the oven beeped.

"'Scuse me," Tiffany said, as she opened the pantry and grabbed the square to get the pan from the oven, before putting the cookies on the plate

"Nobody makes Swedish meatballs like you, babe. Peachy!" Chucky said.

"Thanks, honey bun. I hope you left room for dessert" Tiffany said.

"You know it, pooky. You know, if I had known that marriage was such a great gig. I would never have waited this long to get engaged" Chucky said.

"On the other hand, she's not much of a housekeeper, is she?" Jesse said, as he looked at Jade through the mirror. I put the pieces together that Tiffany was the one that told him the advice when he proposed to Jade, and was trying to use it against her.

"Tiff?" Chucky asked.

"Huh?" Tiffany asked.

"Those dishes aren't gonna wash themselves, you know," Chucky said.

"You were nice enough to cook for h-" Jade said, looking at Tiffany.

"We won't be in here much longer, if it bothers you I'll wash the dishes," I said. Looking at Tiffany giving her a small smile. "Tiff, they're trying to get you to turn on each other. Trying to manipulate you both. They're using your advice against you and while I understand why you want to get mad don't let them win Tiff" I said, smiling at her.

"Maria, the three of us could've gotten out because it would've worked" Jade snapped.

"What advice?" Chucky asked looking back at us.

"Tiffany doesn't want to be taken for granted, she hopes you'll clean the dishes because she spends the whole day over a hot stove, and just wants someone to appreciate her. Tiff look at me, people do appreciate everything you do, but sometimes they don't know how to show it, and some people show it differently. You've come this far don't let this stop you" I said, giving her an encouraging smile. She nodded.

"Thanks, sweetface," Tiffany said.

"I appreciate you Tiff, how about when we get out of these bodies, we go on a date, to a real restaurant and maybe a little murder? Just like the old times" Chucky said.

"Oh, Chucky I would love that," Tiffany said, when Jade went to kick Tiffany into the oven.

"Don't do it, Jade, I know what you're thinking and if you do you'll regret it" I growled. She looked at me with shock clear on her face, and she lowered her head in defeat.

"What was she going to do sweetface?" Tiffany asked.

"She was going to kick you into the oven, I could see it in the way she was manoeuvring her body," I said.

"Well thank you, sweetface," Tiffany said.

I smiled "you're welcome," I said.

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