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I entered my room and closed the door behind me. "Hey sweetface," I said as I sat on the bed.

"You showed him your gifts?" Chucky asked as he saw the blood on my shirt and the bite mark on my wrist.

"I had to Chucky, I need them to fear me. I can't risk them taking you from me, and I promised I'd do what they say if I get to keep you" I said, "I'd do anything for you to stay with me."

"Maria," Chucky said.

"Chucky don't, I plan to keep the promise as I've never broken one before and I don't plan to start now, I promised I wouldn't kill anyone as long as I was in here, and that I'd take my meds and not filter them as long as I can have you. He knows about my past, but no one will believe him that a human is able to do what I can, he knows my IQ and that I'm not as stupid as he thought I was. So if he wants to have me sedated so I'm not able to kill anyone so be it, I'll accept it because I get to keep you with me Chucky, I'm willing to do anything to keep you. Because you are the one thing keeping me sane, well as sane as a serial killer can be" I said, Chucky let out a laugh.

"Okay fine, but what about Nica?" Chucky asked.

"What about her? She'll find out that I was with you sooner or later, but for now, she's still in Lochmoor" I said, Chucky nodded. "I wonder who'll give me my meds now, I know I scared Ashley so I suspect she'll request to be transferred," I said, as I laid back on my bed with Chucky in my arms. "Chucky, don't kill too many people until Nica gets here, because they will think I did it and Peter will hypnotize me again and that's annoying," I said.

"I won't kill anyone until Nica gets here and gets her Chucky from Tiffany as she'll be dropping off another one and telling her that Alice died," Chucky said.

"Okay, thank you," I said, as I closed my eyes.

"Your welcome dollface," Chucky said.

"Maria time for your meds," a male said, I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"Fine, give it here," I said, holding my hand out and he passed me a paper cup, I quickly took the pill and swallowed it.

"I have to make sure you took it," he said, I nodded, opened my mouth and lifted my tongue.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked as I held Chucky to my chest.

"Sure," he said.

"Well, I have a few questions, one what shall I call you? Two what are they saying? And three were you forced to have me as a patient?" I asked.

"Well my name is David, you're the talk of the hospital, how you easily snapped Daniel's neck, and I was picked, they wanted it to be fair so whoever got the shortest stick was to be your new nurse. Now can I ask you some questions?" David asked.

"Why not, it's only fair," I said.

"Are you really crazy? Like I heard the outburst and you talking about the doll like he's alive so what were you diagnosed as? Why did you kill him? And do you want to kill again?" David asked.

"I'm not crazy, I'm extremely smart. I am supposedly diagnosed with schizophrenia. I warned them to give him back because he's mine, I warned them I'd kill Daniel if they didn't and they didn't take me seriously and that's on them. I always do, but I tend to push that side down, which is why I'm here, the voices want me to kill so as long as I take my medications I will be fine. And I do know these are stronger than my other ones so hopefully they help, my other ones weren't strong enough and just made it worse so I stopped taking them. Dr. Foley has been a lot of help and he understands me better now than he did before I killed Daniel, he understands the lengths I'll go to keep Chucky, so we came to a little agreement, I continue to take my meds and he'll allow me to keep Chucky" I said.

"Are you considered a serial killer?" David asked.

"Yes, I've been killing since 1995," I said.

"What's your body count?" David asked.

"Jesus, I wanna say 120, but I lost track after seventy in 2006, they all start to blend together, but I'm turning over a new leaf. I plan to stop, I mean I've been able to not kill for four years, and I'm sure I can do it for the rest of my life. Killing is addictive like any other drug and I just had a slip, at least it was quick and fast without any pain, sure there was most definitely fear, and he'd still be alive if Dr. Foley gave Chucky back but we can't change the past" I said.

"You're pretty open about your past, why?" He asked.

"I don't keep secrets, I think it's stupid because the truth always comes to light, but obviously if I was asked outside of here if I ever killed, I'd say no because I'd have a reputation to hold up but in here people already know I've killed so I don't have to lie about it," I said, when I let out a yawn. "Damn this one is most definitely stronger, how the hell am I supposed to do things if all I want to do is sleep. If you wouldn't mind I'd just like to be left alone to sleep" I said, he nodded and left my room.

"You know you can work it through your system and you could go out and intermingle with others," Chucky said.

"Chucky I promised, just come cuddle," I said as I laid back on the bed and opened my arms to him, he smiled but came into my arms, I nestled my face in his hair and fell asleep.

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