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Jesse pulled up to the honeymoon sweets, and we got out. I had the dolls as Jesse got their bags. No one talked, they got one room and I another, but we were in their room watching the news. "First thing tomorrow morning, we will deliver the dolls. We collect our money. We're gonna need it" Jesse said.

When a female comes in. "Oh! Excuse me. The uh, door was open. I didn't realize there was anybody in here. Russ!" she said. I glared at her, knowing full well the door was closed, "I thought we were getting a suite" when a male slid in.

"Whoa. Who's this?" He asked.

"I thought we were getting a suite," she said.

"No. This is our room" I snapped, openly glaring at the couple.

"Oh. Oh! Russ! Look. Have you ever seen anything so cute in your whole life? What a great idea for a wedding gift. She's beautiful" she said as she picked Tiffany up, my lips curling over my teeth in a snarl. "Oh. Well, this little guy has a face only a mother could love" she said, picking Chucky up after Jesse took Tiffany and put her down.

"Hi. I'm Chucky, and I wouldn't talk if I were you. Hi-de-ho" Chucky said.

"Chucky! Of course. I remember. He was a Good Guy doll. They were programmed to say all kinds of shit" Russ said.

"Ooh," she said, throwing him down, "well, I don't like him at all." I noticed her go over to the wallet and hid it

"You know, you two make a really delicious-looking couple. Hey, Diane, don't you think?" Russ said.

"Oh, absolutely," Diane said, as she joined him on the bed, "I mean, imagine what their children are gonna look like, huh?"

"Listen, it's getting late, and..." Jesse said when Diane cut him off.

"So, what are you guys up to tonight? Hmm?" Diane asked.

"It's their wedding night" I snapped, getting increasingly annoyed.

"What are you watching TV for?" Russ asked.

"Well... You see, it's our wedding night as well, which is what makes this just so perfect. You know what they say: The more, the merrier" Diane said.

"Okay, yeah. No you know what? We're really tired. Gotta get to bed early" Jade said, shooing them out of the room.

"Well, we'll be right next door," Diane said.

I smiled, a plan coming to mind, I left the room and went to theirs, while Jesse and Jade went to the shower. I left the room and knocked on their door, when Diane opened the door, I smiled at her "hey, still interested in having some fun?" I asked, touching her shoulder.

"Yeah come on in," Diane said, backing up and allowing me in.

"So do you have any toys we can use, like gags, maybe cuffs or rope?" I asked flirtatiously, trailing my hand up her arm with a soft smile. She nodded, went to the suitcase in the corner, grabbed some rope and a panel ball gag hybrid that goes over the top of his head and around his face.

She went to where Russ was sitting on the bed and tied his hands together before tying them to the backboard, making his upper body immovable. "Just relax," Diane said, as she put a gag in his mouth as she moved down his body she gave quick light kisses.

"Hey, Diane come over," I said, smiling as she got off her husband, "I need your help in the bathroom. Would you mind joining me?" She nodded and came over and we went to the bathroom, where I saw a curling iron.

"What do you need help with?" She asked.

"Do you mind if I curl your hair? I've always had a thing for pretty girls with curled hair" I ask as I trailed my hand up her side. She smiled as she nodded her head. "Do you think you can be a good girl and close your eyes?" I purred in her ear, and she did as I asked. I put a pair of gloves on and grabbed the curling iron. "This is for touching Tiffany," I said, as I drove the curling iron into her sternum, with the amount of force, it broke through the bone and pierced her heart. Blood spurted everywhere, I smiled as I saw Russ look at us and I made eye contact with him and he screamed out in his gag. "She doesn't belong to you, and how dare you have the audacity to say what you did about Chucky" I growled out as she went limp.

I dragged her out of the bathroom as Tiffany came in and saw me. I placed her on the bed, before grabbing the wallet and the money they took out. "Next time better not steal something that doesn't belong to you, or you'll end up like her," I said as I left the room, and went to Jesse and Jade's room before putting the wallet back where it belonged and headed to my room, leaving the door open a fraction of an inch for Tiffany and Chucky. I got on the couch, lay down, and lightly closed my eyes.

When I heard the door closed I sat up and Chucky and Tiffany came in, and she looked to be glowing, she was definitely happy, and I smiled at them "so why'd you kill her?" Chucky asked.

"No reason," I said, looking away, blushing.

"Tell me, Maria," Chucky said.

"I'd rather die," I said.

"Oh, that can be arranged" Chucky snapped, and started walking closer, knife in hand, when Tiffany stopped him.

"Chucky, we just got engaged, no need to kill off her, she can have her secrets," Tiffany said, putting her hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

"You're lucky Maria," Chucky said.

"And plus I may know why she killed her," Tiffany said, my eyes widened in fear.

"Please no" I moaned out in despair.

"Don't fret sweetface, your secret's safe with me" Tiffany said.

"Tell me, Tiffany," Chucky said, he sounded angry.

Tiffany came over to me and sat on the couch, ignoring him, "congratulations on your engagement Tiff, I can see how happy you are, you're practically glowing" I said, smiling at her.

"Thanks, sweetface, now give me a hug," Tiffany said, I grew nervous, but I hugged her. "I know how you feel about us sweetface, I feel the same, and Chucky well he likes someone who can kill and you showed us you can and will" Tiffany whispered.

"I-I don't know what you're t-talking about" I stuttered when she pulled back.

"So when was the first time you killed someone?" Chucky asked as Tiffany joined him on the bed.

"Three years ago, I killed both of my parents. Stabbed them while they slept, made it look like a robbery gone wrong, that me and Jade were lucky to survive. It went unsolved and no one suspected me" I said.

"I killed my mother, and Tiff's" Chucky said, I nodded.

"I guess you have that in common," Tiffany said.

"I'm going to sleep, I got the couch," I said.

"Why do you want the couch?" Chucky asked.

"There's two of you and one of me, it just makes more sense for me to sleep on the couch," I said, "plus I don't want to fight for the bed."

"Well, you could always sleep with us ya know," Tiffany said.

"I'm good" I squeaked out, turning over and closing my eyes, to the whispering back and forth between each other.

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