9| Game Plan

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P.O.V Hazel

Flash back

"There are 3 stages in which you should see the ice in front of you." Coach Ryan explained.

I was standing next to him on the ice, only me, coach, and Conner in goal were present.

"First, you should see yourself. Be aware of where you are in relation to the puck."

By saying that Ryan dropped a puck on the ice. I looked down at it for a moment before looking back at him.

"Then, you should see your teammates. Who is where? Where is your d partner? Who is open and who is not."

I looked around the empty ice, imaging that my line was spread out in the middle of the play.

"Then you should look for the other team."

He paused.

"Who is waiting for a pass, who is cherry picking. Why is that spot open and where is that player at."

I looked back at Ryan trying to make sense of what he was telling me. Why did I need to know this?

"The game can be overwhelming, but when you break it into pieces you can prioritize what is important. And first priority should be, where is the puck."

Ryan kicked me the puck and I took it in my stick.

"Now you have the puck, priority one is done. Now, look up. Is there anyone to pass to?"

I shook my head because the ice was empty.

"Prioty two is gone. Now priority three, where is the other team?"

"Not in my way." I replied.

"So, as defense the only thing for you to do..." he trailed off waiting for my response.

"Is to take the puck up and get it into the zone." I said

Ryan nodded his head.

"So do that."

And with those words I took the puck. Stick handling. Dekeing around fake players before coming close to Conner.

I could see a smirk on his face through his goalie mask. And I smirked back.

End of Flash back

I looked at the school through the car window.

It was big, like really big. Zach had explained that it was large but id kind of just brushed it off, till now.

"Have a good day!" My mom said with a smile as I opened the car door.

"Thanks. Love you." I mumbled as I stepped out of the car.

It was a chilly walk into the building, people walking past me also in a rush to get inside away from the cold.

A group of girls in front of me made it to the doors first. One slamming the handy cap button so the door would stay open for her group.

I followed close behind her group so I didn't have to pull open the door. The second I entered the building the bright florescent lights hit my eyes. The warm air turning my red cheeks back to their normal color.

Zach had explained to me where the front office was, making it very easy to find.

Which was helpful because the last thing I wanted to do was look lost... or get lost.

I was met with a warm smile as I entered the office. The secretary saying hello the moment I opened the door.

"Hi." I responded with a light tone. "My name is Hazel Underwood, I'm a new student." I explained.

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