31| Ladies and Gentleman, Hazel Underwood

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P.O.V Hazel 

“Before you get all judgmental, nothing happened.” I said to Ryan over the phone as I drove.

I was currently on my way to my first practice with coach Dave when Ryan called asking me how I was… (Conner told him all about our weekend together)

“Hazel I might be old but I'm not an Idiot.” Ryan Stated.

I was also currently defending myself about my night with Zach.

“I'm telling the truth. We watched a movie and drank hot chocolate that was it.”

“Just watched…” 

I rolled my eyes. Pulling into the parking lot of the rink I could see all the highschoolers leaving from their practice. 

I purposefully showed up late, just so none of them would see me. That and I drove my moms car, just in case I had to sit around and wait a little for them all to leave. 

“Yeah whatever Ryan. Look I got to head out, I'll talk to you later.” I said before hanging up the phone and exiting the car. 

Opening the trunk I pulled out my hockey bag for the first time in what felt like forever. Slinging the bag onto my shoulder, I hesitated before I grabbed my stick.

I was nervous, I couldn't lie.

I knew I could do this, I did.

But part of me was worried that it wasn't going to work. Like I would never be able to play hockey again, like it would always just be a memory in my head. 

I shut the trunk of the car, locking it before making my way into the rink. 

I waved to Gail, giving him a knowing smile. Part of me guessed he always knew but never said anything.  

“Locker Room 5 is still open from high school practice.” was all he said.

“Thanks.” I turned towards the locker room and entered it.

It smelled like a high school boys locker room, and some of the lockers looked like it. Empty water bottles all around and some tossed around practice jerseys, someone even left a glove sitting on the bench. 

Dave obviously had a little bit lower standards than Ryan. But then I remembered the time he made them do suicides for left over gear.

I looked at the glove with a smile, god they were going to get killed tomorrow. 

I put my bag down in a cleaner area of the locker room, away from the rest of the lockers it was tucked in its own little corner. 

I took off my sweat shirt to reveal my sports bra, taking off my sweats as well I was left standing there in only my shorts and sports bra. I put on my gear with no rush, just choosing to enjoy the feeling of having it on again. I carefully pulled on my Plainwell practice jersey, it was just plain blue with a small panther in the corner. My number was on the back of the jersey in big white numbers ‘19’. 

“Hazel, are you about ready?’ I heard Dave yell from the other side of the locker room door.

“Yeah, I'm coming out now.” I shouted back, putting my helmet on and grabbing my stick. 

I walked in my skates and opened the door, Dave seeing me in gear for the first time. 

“Alright kiddo, let's do this thing.” 

We walked to the ice door and Dave stood there with his hand on the handle.

“Alright, nothing fancy. I just want a small lap to warm up, first half of the ice take it slow in the second half a sprint.” 

For some reason this sent me into player mode. The second Dave opened the door I took off in a sprint worried that if I slowed down the memories would hit me again.

“Underwood slow it down this is not a race!” Dave yelled and I immediately hit the brakes. Taking slow long strides.

“Thank you!” Dave shouted 

And I felt as if I was at a tryout, and I didnt want to let the coach down.

But as I came around behind the net I began to pick up my speed so that by center line I was at full speed. 

My hair that was in a low ponytail was flying behind me and I could hear the skates as I glided across the ice. 

Coming back to where I began the warm up circle I stopped hard, my breathing quick and erratic. But not from fear, not from worry, or panic.

A smile rested on my face as I looked around the rink then back to Dave. 

He smiled back at me, pulling a puck from his pocket as he did.

“We've still got to take it slow, anything could trigger it. But we've got you back on the ice, and I think you'll be back to Hazel Underwood in no time.”

I looked at him in shock. 

“You dont think I'm far behind in my skill level?”

Dave shook his head.

“I think all the training you did off the ice helped, but Hazel, God kid you're good and it shows.”

I smiled, he tossed the puck to me and I allowed it to glide into my stick. Dave explained the puck handling dill we would be doing today, and though the drill was boring…

I was thrilled, and happy the entire time I went through it.

Each motion I did with a smile on my face, no matter how hard it got or boring.

I couldn't wipe that smile off my face.

Because nothing could compare to this feeling.

Of my skates gliding on the ice, my stick easily handling the puck, the wind on my face and the way my hair blew behind me.

Nothing could top the feeling of playing hockey, nothing. 

Except, well… 

The feeling I get when Im around Zach.

Words: 978

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