38| Ive Been Cheated

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P.O.V Zach 

At first I wasn't concerned about Hazel, she was after all running a high fever and sleeping off the sickness. 

She didn't text and she didn't call. It wasn't a big deal till the third day and I was getting slightly concerned. Her school work was starting to get heavy in my backpack as well. 

I had promised her I would bring her her school work, so after school I would do that and check up on her. Make sure she is ok. 

I bit the inside of my cheek and looked at Mick. He was currently sitting several seats ahead of me listening intently to the lecture. He never did that.

He was avoiding me, and he was avoiding Hazel. 

He was hiding something and it was very obvious. Maybe that's why I was so concerned for Hazel, because it felt like Mick knew something that I didn't.

But I didn't push Mick because it seemed like the knowledge was eating him up inside, sooner or later he would spill. 

The school rang and I bolted up from my seat, ready to see Hazel for the first time in three days. 

I was the first senior out of the building and out of the school parking lot. 

Driving with purpose till I got to Hazel's house.

I knocked on her door nervously realizing for the first time that me and her mom have only met a few times.

Hazel had almost made a point for us not to meet for long periods of time, so the conversation we were no doubt about to have would be the longest one. 

Hazels mom opened the front door with a soft smile, one that closely matched Hazels. 

“Zach, hi.” She said with some surprise behind her voice.

“Hi Mrs. Underwood, I have some school work for Hazel.” I explained by showing her my school bag with a crooked smile. This was slightly awkward.

“Oh yes, thank you. Come on in.” She said opening the door fully for me to step in.

I stepped into Hazel's house for what I realized was the first time and realized it was quite bare. 

Moving boxes still sat in the corner and only certain things had been unpacked, almost like they were planning to be packed back up.

Hazel's mom walked through the open floor plan to the kitchen and pulled some saltines out of the cupboard.

“Hazels mostly just been asleep, she is doing a little better. I was about to bring her some saltines but since you're here I guess you can bring them up to her.” Hazels mom explained 

I nodded my head.

“We've all been a little concerned for her.” I said with a smile trying to keep the conversation going, I didn't want to come off as rude.

Hazel's mom scuffed and rolled her eyes with a smile, another Hazel trait you could clearly pick out.

“You and half the planet, Conner, has been calling me non stop.” She explained, to which I raised an eyebrow.

“Where is Conner?” I asked, realizing I would expect to be seeing him around. He was, after all, a little overprotective of Hazel. 

“Oh he's up in Plainwell with his family. Can't exactly visit a friend in the middle of the week if you have school.”

Conner's family?

“I thought Conner was her brother?” I asked now to curious to mind sounding noisy. 

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