14 |Game Time

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P.O.V: Hazel

I walked into the kids lockeroom with a smile on my face and Zach right next to me.

Saturday could not have come sooner, and I had a pretty good feeling these kids were going to have a lot of fun today.

This team wasn't about winning, it was about teaching the kids how to play the game so I was excited to get out there and watch them play their first game.

As me and Zach entered the lockeroom the chatter died down every little kid looked at us waiting for instructions. Eyes wide like a deer but mouths silent.

Zach clapped his hands together a smile also resting in his face.

"Alright little bear cats, its time to shine. Let's get out there and have fun ok!"

The kids cheered, wobbling past us on there skates I turned toward Zach and smiled he held out his hand in a fist and I fist bumped him.

"Let's go rock it out there." He said

"Oh yeah." Was all I replied leaving the lockeroom behind him.

I was a coach to these kids. At least I was supposed to be. I probably would be pretty ok at coaching hockey if I wasn't trying to hide who I am.

Which is what made today so difficult. I love kids, and I love hockey. Trying to contain myself was hard.

I walked with my feet on beet with the music playing. I tried to remember the feeling of what it was like to walk out for a hockey game.

"You nervous hockey town?" Conner asked with a smirk on his face

"Oh shut up" I replied rolling my eyes watching a the zam cleared the ice.

"Its ok to be nervous Hazel, I mean The Team USA coach is here to watch you play."

I could feel my adrenaline rise and my heart pounding faster as I walked over to the bench.

Right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot.

"Hey, you ever hear of that song called De la mama De la mama?" Killian asked with a smirk on his face.

"Not right now Killian I'm concentrating."

He just shrugged his shoulders the smirk still planted on his face, even with the helmet on you could see it from miles away.

I looked forward at Zach, then back at the ice. I rubbed my hand on the back of my neck right above where I was hit.

And then I stopped walking.

I swear my heart was beating faster than humanly possible.

I tried to breath in and out but every time I breathed out it felt like I had no air to give.

My legs felt week like I had nothing to give.


and suddenly...

I was laying there. I couldn't see, the world was just light grey. My hands were numbs and my legs were numb.

I couldn't move.

The one thing I could feel was the cold ice on the back of my head.

"I think it may be a spinal, she's non-responsive so we have no idea what's going on. I want to get her to the hospital."

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