25| Count down

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P.O.V Hazel

"Ok then here is the system" Gail said walking me over towards the clock box.

"Thanks." I said with a smile before entering the box.

Out on the ice the players we skating around for their last practice before their game tomorrow.

Zach could be seen quickly skating by.

"Switch! Hard on D hard on D!" I could hear coach Dave yell out to the ice.

"Offense be ready for that back pass!" He continued to yell.

I let a small smirk land on my face as I thought about the countless times I'd yelled that exact phrase to my offense...

More like Killian. Needless to say after I screamed at him a few times he's never missed a back pass, even if it was a blind one.

I flipped the switch to the score board and watched as the system lit up. It was an OES system with a Dektronics connection board, nothing too complicated.

I put up a few goals on the board, changed the period and put up a fake penalty just to make sure I remembered how the program worked before erasing it all.

Ryan had shown me how to run the clock system one day after school, simply because I was bored and right now having that knowledge was paying off.

Suddenly as if the hockey Gods knew my phone began to vibrate in my back pocket. I pulled it out and picked it up without looking at the caller ID. Figuring what the hell.

"Hey hockey town." Conners voice rang out clear as day on the phone

"Conner hey." I replied while pressing a few buttons on the board keeping myself occupied.

I added a few shots on goal, then a player number under the penalty before erasing it again.

"I was wondering what you were up to this week end." He asked and I could hear some rustling in the background indicating that he was busy doing something as well.

"Oh nothing much..." I started to say but trailed off as Zach skated up to the box.

He mouthed to me "who are you on the phone with?" While holding up one of his hands like a fake phone.

"Conner." I mouthed back and Zach shook his head in understanding.

"Hazel, chicka, you gotta be more specific than that. Or else I'm going to think you're up to something."

I kind of laughed to myself shaking my head.

"Sorry, I'm working the clock for a hockey game tomorrow and I'm working on the system." I explained, shutting off the system completely now. "Other than the hockey game tomorrow I'm not really doing much else."

Other than the party Friday night but Conner does not. I repeat DOES NOT. Need to know about that.

He always hated me going to parties alone, him or Killian had to be with me. Especially hockey parties, if it was just our team it was fine... but another team...

He would get into his whole speal about how guys take advantage of girls, and how I can take care of myself but not when I'm drunk, and how drinking could lead me down the same path as my dad. Blah blah blah.

I loved him, but God he really did act like an older brother sometimes.

"Cool, sounds like fun. I was thinking about driving down for a visit this weekend. If that's ok with you." He said calmly

But I could help but let my face light up with joy which caused Zach to look at me slightly confused but with a small smirk on his face. Kind of saying 'your cute' with just a look.

"Yeah, yeah, I would love to have you come down." I replied with earned a reaction from Zach.

Now he seemed really intrigued.

"Cool obviously it has to be ok with your mom I haven't called her yet." He continued to explain.

"I'm sure she'll be ok with it, yeah, but maybe give her a heads up... you know how she is about cooking and cleaning."

Conner half snorted, "yeah..." he said his sentence trailing off for a minute.

I scrunched up my face in confusion till Conner spoke again.

"Hang on Killians over, he want to talk to you." Conner explained before I could hear the phone being passed off.

I could only roll my eyes, that dork. Till I realized I hadn't really had a phone call with Killian sense I got here just text.

"Hazel!" He shouted so loud I had to move my ear away from the phone.

Zach slightly laughed at me, but his face morphed into confused as I said Killians name

"Hi Killian."

"Ok, so remember that one song I was telling you about." Killian just right into

"You mean the Spanish song you continued to torment me with ever day?" I said as a snarky reply

"Well, yeah, because its good. But anyways coach let me make it my senior song." He explained

I raised my eyebrow in shock.

"Killian the actual words to that song are not appropriate."

"Yeah but coach doesn't need to know that."

"Killian you're the captain, you have to act like it."

I could practically hear Killian eye roll.

"Oh blah blah blah, look i gotta go talk to you later."

"Bye Killian." I said and the phone was handed back to Conner.

"Hey Hazel, so I'll call your mom figure it all out." He said starting back up where we left off.

"Sounds good, just let me know." I replied before hanging up the phone and looking at Zach with a smile.

"Hey." Was all I said with the smirk still playing in my lips

"Hey." He replied back with the same face, "that sounded like a fun call."

I nodded my head letting out a breathy laugh.

"They are interesting that's for sure." I replied.

Zach stepped off the ice onto the bench putting his skate guards on.

"Look practice is all over, if you're all done I can give you a ride home."

I thought for a moment, spending alone time with Zach kept getting more dangerous.

And by dangerous I meant that I wanted to devorer his lips, especially after this past weekend in his room.

"Sure, sounds good." I finally responded.

"Ok." Was all Zach said before turning to walk into the locker room.

I watched him go, knowing I was playing a dangerous game... completely my doing.

Words: 1079

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