Chapter 3 - October 24, 2016

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Waking up in a bed with Vision's voice floating around me as he rattled off the weather made it pretty difficult to write off everything that had happened as a dream.

So I abandoned that hope and instead asked Vision for a pen and notepad, beginning to list everything I knew about this world and how it was different from mine.

"Hey Vision, is Dr. Stephen Strange in New York right now?" I asked the ceiling, but gained no response. I sighed and ran a hand over my face. Right. Not Vision. "JARVIS." I tried again.

"Yes, Ollie?"

"Is Dr. Stephen Strange in New York right now?"

There was a few seconds of silence before I got an answer. "No. Dr. Stephen Strange booked a flight for Nepal that left last month."

"Alright, great. Strange wasn't affected by Wanda so he'll still get the time stone" I muttered, adding another bullet point to the 'same' category.

It was depressingly small, only three separate facts in the column, the first two being that Wanda still liked sitcoms and that everyone still seemed to have all their powers and skills, but even that fact was guesswork at best.

I sighed and pulled the tablet out of the drawer, turning it over in my hands before sliding off the bed, my bare feet hitting the cold floor and making my toes curl.

"V- Not-Vision?"

"Yes, Ollie?"

"Where is Stark right now?" My lip curled in disgust as I said the name, dreading needing his help for anything.

But I didn't know anything about technology, and I needed an expert to get home.

"Mr. Stark is in the kitchen with Ms. Romanoff." Not-Vision answered and I stretched, glancing down at my clothes.

"Hey Pre-Vision?" I yelled out

"It's JARVIS, miss" he corrected but I waved him off.

"Where can I get some clothes? With all that's happened these are far from clean." I wrinkled my nose at the dust and dirt covering me. "And some shower things too, actually."

"There are extra clothes in the dresser, and the bathroom is fully stocked with everything you should need."

"Great, thanks Microwave" I saluted before heading to the dresser.

Apparently the extra clothes had been bought in preparation for the Hulk, because it seemed the only size I could find sported three Xs in front of it.

I finally decided on an oversized sweatshirt, a pair of sweatpants and a normal sized pair of boxers I had—fortunately—found stuffed deep in the drawer.

I headed for the bathroom and turned on the shower, testing the water with my hand before peeling off my clothes and stepping in.

My brain wandered under the soft stream of water, finding its way to my Wanda, and how she was doing.

"She didn't want me there, so it's okay, right? She won't miss me for a couple days" I whispered, the warm water sliding down my face and darting to the ground.

I stayed in the shower until the lightly browned water ran clear, making sure to scrub my skin and hair as if the ferocity would jolt me back home. It didn't.

I climbed out of the shower, drying my body and slid on the clothes before glancing in the mirror and wiping away some of the fog so I could see through.

I looked as much like me as I possibly could; the same dark hair framing the same brown eyes as they watched me from the other side of the mirror, though these were accented by darkened bags that betrayed the lack of sleep from the night before.

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