Chapter 80 - January 26

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Dr. Strange appeared five days after the battle of Wakanda.

I had in no way forgotten about our situation, or the fact that I could be going home at any day. It was because of this that I had pushed Strange's impending arrival to the back of my mind and spent each day in the compound as if it was my last.

Given the probability, I knew one of them would be.

I was in the middle of brushing my still-damp hair when an orange ring began to form in my room, giving me barely enough time to tug a sweatshirt over my head before the man was visible on the other side and stepping through.

"That's kind of a privacy invasion, isn't it?" I asked, pulling my hair from where it was trapped in my sweatshirt. "Ten minutes earlier and I would have been fully naked."

Strange ignored my remark, lifting his hand to reveal a golden metal contraption similar to the one he wore around his neck. "I've found a way to return you to your universe."

Despite the fact that I knew it was coming my stomach churned at the words, a mix of excitement and dread. "I didn't really think this was a social call" I sighed, sitting down on the edge of my bed, my eyes catching sight of the two shirts I had laid out. I stared at the articles of clothing for a second before taking a deep and standing. "Alright, let's go."

Strange looked surprised at my words. "I would have expected you to stay for Tony Stark's party."

I stayed silent as I stood up, running my hands through my hair. I did want to stay for the party. More than anything I wanted to at least go out and say goodbye to everyone I had come to love in this world. I wanted to visit Oscar one more time and to see Clint's kids and give them each a hug goodbye. I wanted to thank Tony for being better than I had ever known him to be and thank Nat for making me stronger. I wanted to pull Yelena and Pietro in for a tight hug and thank them for being the best friends I could ever have. Steve, Bucky and Peter too for making my time in this world even better.

Most of all I wanted to apologize once more to Wanda for all I had done, and thank her for helping me realize all that I had.

But I also wanted to be selfish. I needed to be.

I knew that if I stepped into that room with everyone that my resolve to leave would crumble even more and that I may no longer have the heart to. I needed to return home, that much was clear to me, but the part of my heart that loved it here pulled against me and begged me to change my mind, so I couldn't go to the party and I couldn't face them all again.

I knew it wouldn't matter anyway. They wouldn't remember me once I left.

At my lack of answer Strange simply changed directions. "You might want to wear something warmer."

I blinked before nodding, padding over to my dresser and grabbing the coat laying on top before slipping my arms in and zipping it up the best I could over top of the sweatshirt I already had on. Strange looked as if he wanted to say something more but he only nodded and turned to leave through the portal he came from. I took one last look at the room before following him.

The change in temperature sent a shiver through me as I tucked my arms under each other and looked around curiously. The surroundings reminded me of the Sanctum but the material used and the style of the interior paired with the significant drop in temperature made it clear that we were not in New York anymore.

Strange led us through doors and hallways before we exited and the walls gave way to a large and open courtyard. Trees surrounded the area and two large bells sat on either side of the space. If I had to guess I would say that this is where Strange was heading when I first asked JARVIS.

Variation - W.M. जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें