Chapter 14 - November 7

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Avoiding people was far easier said than done. Especially when said people were the Avengers; otherwise known as 'Earth's clingiest heroes.'

When I didn't show up in the kitchen in the morning on the first day, Tony had come barrelling down to my room, banging on my door and jolting me out of sleep to alert me of the time. I told him I was quite aware, but that I was in fact not feeling well due to 'lady issues' as I put it.

He offered to bring me my coffee so we could have our morning 'meeting' while I was laying down but I had declined.

Nat stopped by a few hours later with a very odd wish of good luck and a congratulations that I wasn't pregnant, informing me that Tony had indeed spread my business about the facility. She was never good at emotions, but she did offer to go to the store and buy things I needed, since she noticed I didn't get any when we went to the mall.

Pietro had heard of the news, yet had come barrelling into my room, flinging the door open and offering to bring me food and watch movies with me, or even give me another of his sweatshirts. I had sent him away with the wish of being left alone.

Despite what I told Pietro, all three continued to stop by and food had begun appearing at my door at every meal. I had seen the way everyone else cooked, so there was no doubt that Wanda was responsible. It was mouth-wateringly good, though, so I couldn't complain.

But I definitely wanted to.

The plan was to avoid getting attached, yet here they were making it harder than ever. Plus, I was supposed to be mad at the witch. Food was an easy way to get on my good side and I blamed Pietro for telling her that.

I spent the first couple days of being cooped up planning. By the end, I had everything worked out about what I would do when I got home; every word and step mapped out. Once I finished doing that, I did research. I looked up myself, mostly, and where I was. Tony had allowed it, not knowing the true purpose of my reasoning.

Besides that and a few phone games, however, there wasn't much to do. That fact was painfully clear after being trapped for six days.

"Can it fly?" The AI's voice asked from the ceiling.

"No" I answered boredly, laying with my head hanging off the bed.

I was reduced to playing games with JARVIS. It was no fun that he managed to guess every time unless I fucked around and changed the animal halfway through.

"Does it live in a tree?"

"I dunno, man. I've never met one." I let myself slide onto the floor and let out an obnoxiously loud groan. "Where's your master?"

"Mr. Stark is in his lab" the voice answered and I huffed. Tony had ceased coming two days ago, and it almost seemed like he was avoiding me. "And the tablet?" Every time I asked JARVIS about how his work was going I got a vague and frustrating answer.

"No change, Miss."

Like that.

"That's fucking bullshit" I snapped, pushing myself off the floor and ignoring the dizzying sensation that accompanied the action. I stormed out of my room, heading straight for the lab.

Nevermind the fact that I hadn't showered in two days and my hair was piled on my head in a messy bun, or that I was only dressed in a pair of shorts and an oversized sweatshirt that belonged to Pietro, causing a chill to run through me in the cold hallways.

"Anthony Stark, no more bullshit. Why are you avoiding me?" I growled, throwing open the door to the lab. He jumped and cleared his throat.

"Why are you avoiding me? And everyone else?" Tony shot back, making me blink in surprise. "Yeah, we noticed."

I faltered, stumbling over my words. "I-I wasn't-" I cleared my throat and shook my head. "Stop turning this on me. What's going on with that?"

I pointed to the tablet he had been trying to hide and my eyes widened when I realized it was on.

"Now listen, De Tamble-"

"Why do you know The Time Traveler's Wife enough to reference it" I stopped him, pausing in my journey over to him.

"Pepper made me watch it one night, but that's beside the point. I've been looking into this thing and I don't think you can-"

"Nope, this got me here and it's getting me home" I interrupted, piercing through his doubt with an optimism I had struggled to keep. I grabbed the tablet off the table and looked at the options. "I don't suppose you know how to open one of those door things?"

Tony looked as if he was going to argue but simply sighed and stood from his seat. "The button that says 'Timedoor.' click on that and you can enter the time you are looking for."

I did as he said, entering 'Westview 2023' into the pad. When I clicked on it, a familiar door opened. I squeaked excitedly and stepped into it, ignoring Tony's protest.

When I stepped out onto the other side, the familiar Westview sign stared me back in the face. But this one wasn't accompanied by the array of military tents and personnel, and when I reached out I wasn't sucked into the Hex or even stopped, as I had been before.

"Don't panic, Ollie. I bet they just figured it all out" I said shakily, fumbling to pull my phone out of my pocket. It took me a minute to realize that I had my phone in my hand, and that it was still working. I gulped and pressed Tony's number, putting a trembling hand to my ear.

"Been waiting seven years for this call" Tony said from the other end, his voice older. I felt my heart deflate as I quickly pressed end on the call, dropping my arm to my side weakly.

My knees buckled under me, sending me to the ground in a mess of tears and snot. I stayed like that for what felt like hours before I pulled the tablet back out, preparing myself to go back. I caught sight of a program labeled 'Miss Minutes' and pressed it, jumping back when an orange clock with arms, legs and a face flew out of the screen.

"Well hi, how can I help you?" A feminine voice asked, the words distorted to fit the thick country accent.

"Hi, I want to get home" I sniffled. Miss Minutes looked me over as a look of pity took over her face in a surprising show of emotion.

"You must be Ollie. Tony told me about you."

I nodded, my stomach churning at her tone.

"I'm afraid you're in a different timeline, sugar cube. I'm afraid I can't help you. There's much more power at the TVA but with just a TempPad there's not much to be done."

Those were it; the words I had been expecting yet dreading. I broke down, every bone in my body feeling as if it had gotten taken away as my arms went limp.

I couldn't get home the way I came.

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