Chapter 7 - October 24, 2016

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I was overly convinced that I had, in fact, been lied to about the fact that Bruce was going to give me something for pain, because all he had done while I was here was poke me with needles and steal my blood.

"Why do you need more, are you a vampire or something?" I huffed, inching away from the small tube he was attempting to connect to the needle.

"I just want to run a couple more tests" he assured me and I frowned, looking over at Natasha and pointing a finger at the redhead.

"You said he would give me something for pain. He's just creating more pain and drinking my blood."

"Bruce, just give her the medicine, you've been poking her for the last two hours." Natasha instructed and Bruce sighed before grabbing a small container and handing it to me.

"I've been developing this for after missions, but it's experimental so don't take more than one a day. It's supposed to speed up the healing process. I'm not entirely sure of the side effects though."

"So I'm your guinea pig?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, I wouldn't say guinea pig-"

"Yep, you are" Natasha confirmed and I shrugged, grabbing the box from him.

"Well, thank you for the drugs and the very unfun game of 'making Ollie bleed'" I said as I yanked out the needle, wincing before sliding off of the uncomfortable cot-like bed and starting for the door.

"Stark is throwing a welcome party for you later. Don't be late" Natasha called after me and I deflated, groaning as I turned back to look at her.

"I'm exhausted and in pain; can't I just skip it?"

"It's a welcome party for you, so no you can't skip it."

I pouted, huffing loudly. "Unless this is an extremely casual party I need something to wear."

"I'll see if Pepper can bring something of hers since you look to be about her height."

I hummed before leaving, navigating back to my room with the help of the ceiling robot. One there I headed into the bathroom and lifted my shirt, turning in the mirror to see the array of bruises that seemed to ache more now that they had been seen. I scoffed and let the fabric fall. Stupid this world Wanda.

I grabbed the small box containing the pills Bruce had given me and fished one out. I popped it in my mouth and leaned down, drinking water from the sink before standing back up and wiping the excess water from my mouth with the back of my hand.

"Hey Microwave, what time's the party?"

I swear I could hear the AI sigh before answering "at seven o'clock Miss."

"So that gives me five hours before the party. Plenty of time" I murmured as I began listing things in my head, a tactic that had become one of the few constants in my life since I was young.

I laid back on my bed, staring up at the ceiling and pondering the possible side effects of the pill I had just taken. "Super strength? Increased healing permanently?"

Apparently the correct answer was 'passing out for hours with no warning' because the next thing I knew I was opening my eyes to a dimly lit room, my five hour window had dwindled to thirty minutes, and someone was banging on my door.

"Yeah, what" I muttered sleepily, opening the door to see Natasha.

"Have you seriously been asleep this entire time?" She asked, disbelief and disappointment joining together to create her tone.

"Blame your boyfriend's drugs. I took one and now it's four hours later."

"Not my boyfriend" Natasha corrected, face scrunching as though the idea made her uncomfortable, although the expression was gone within seconds. "Did the medicine work?"

I blinked, my brain remembering why I had taken the meds in the first place. I shifted my body slightly before a grin lit up my face. "Awesome!"

"Good, you can go get ready for the party then" the redhead hummed, pushing a bunch of hangers and a bag into my hands. I hadn't even realized she was holding them.

Or that she had on her own dress.

"I think those drugs messed with my brain, it's not working right" I mumbled, shaking my head a little bit.

"I'm sure you're fine. Now hurry. The party is supposed to be for you; otherwise it's just a bunch of assholes in a room drinking."

"I'm sure it'll still be that" I assured her, grinning at the glare she shot me before closing the door and laying the dresses out on my bed. "God, I feel like seven is a little bit excessive."

I surveyed them and reluctantly picked out a black dress from the array before peeking in the bag, thankful that Pepper had sent spare bras and underwear and praying they fit. I checked the various garments before finding my size and moving into the bathroom to shower.

When I stepped out of the shower I used a towel to wipe off the steam from the mirror, surveying my body in awe. Save for the few discolored splotches along my stomach and arms I looked almost completely healed, and I sure felt that way.

I shimmied into the dress and frowned slightly. I was never one for dresses, much less ones that hugged my figure like this one. The sleeves fell off my shoulders and rested on my upper arm while the bottom of the dress ended an inch or two above my knees.

All in all, not my favorite outfit.

I would have felt much more comfortable in jeans and a nice shirt. Even a suit would have been an immense improvement. I suppose I couldn't complain, though, seeing as Pepper had gone out of her way to lend it to me.

"Alright, Pre-Vision, how do I get to the party room or whatever" I asked, fluffing my hair out and heading to my door. The AI listed off directions and I blinked in confusion as I left my room. "That was a lot of words that I didn't understand."

"I can show you the way. Been to enough of Stark's parties to have the way memorized by now" an accented voice said and I turned to see Pietro dressed up as nice as I was.

Well, almost.

"Your shirt is wrinkled" I commented with a snicker, eyeing the pale blue shirt full of wrinkles that showed itself from beneath the open suit jacket. Pietro glanced down at it and pouted.

"That is all you noticed? What about how handsome I am?"

I let a smile slip onto my face and I nodded. "You're right. My bad. You're extremely handsome with your wrinkled shirt" I paused and glanced down "and your untied shoe."

He huffed and bent down. "Maybe I should leave you to wander the halls."

"I could always ask the AI" I said defiantly and he shrugged, standing up and getting ready to run. I rolled my eyes and stepped in front of him, smoothing down his shirt the best I could. "You can't run in nice clothes, that's how you got the wrinkles in the first place."

Pietro swatted me off and ducked around me, starting to walk. "You are just like Wanda."

"I'm nothing like her, Sonic" I denied as I followed him and he cocked his head in confusion.


I gasped dramatically, throwing a hand up to my chest. "You don't know who Sonic is? The fast little hedgehog who's blue like you?" He shook his head and I waved my hands around excitedly. "We need to play Sonic at some point."

The sound exploded as the elevator door opened, the distant noise of upbeat music being covered by the wave of chattering happening everywhere. My eyes widened at the amount of people in the room as we walked in. Natasha caught sight of me and smiled.

"An hour late to your own party but" she threw her arm around my shoulder with some difficulty, using her other hand to gesture to the scene, the red liquid in her fancy cup spilling a little over the side. "Welcome."

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