Chapter 10 - October 25, 2016

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I woke up on my bed, sprawled out with a leg hanging off the side. My position was no different than usual, but the fact that I was in my bed at all brought confusion.

"JARVIS, why am I in bed?" I questioned the AI.

"You were asleep, Ollie" he stated blatantly and I rolled my eyes.

"Obviously, but how did I get there? I fell asleep on the floor."

"Miss Maximoff came in and moved you to your bed."

I frowned. So privacy invasion was just a common occurrence with her. Pushing myself out of bed I yawned and looked down, realizing I was still wearing the dress from last night. At least she had drawn the line there.

I undressed and slipped on the oversized clothes that resided in the drawers, longing for my own clothes, my own bed, and my own Wanda.

"Except she hates you, remember" I grumbled to myself, gathering my hair into a ponytail. I sighed heavily before stuffing my hands in my pockets and starting down to the kitchen, my stomach rumbling slightly in annoyance from my unintentional fast.

Now that I was thinking about it, the last thing I ate had been a macaron and a couple of peanuts at the party last night.

I ambled to the kitchen slowly, my already negative mood being pulled down an inch more when I saw people in the kitchen. I was in no mood to have a conversation.

"Good Morning Ollie" Stark greeted me, far too cheery for this early in the morning. I grunted, pouring myself a cup of coffee.


Stark raised a brow in surprise. "Wow, a greeting? Did the party last night work that well?"

As much as I hated the other Tony Stark, I couldn't find it in myself to tell this one that the party was anxiety inducing and I had spent the majority of the evening backed into a corner before running out in tears.

"I'm tired, dressed in clothes from the Hulk reject line, and I'm trapped in a world that isn't mine. I don't have the energy to hate more than one person right now, and lucky for you it's the witch." I huffed, plopping into the seat and taking a sip, in a mood where I relished the burn against my tongue. "Any progress on that, by the way?"

"On what?"

"Getting me home."

"It's been a day and I spent all last night at a party. I haven't had time." Stark hummed as he took a drink out of his own mug.

I scowled. Great, another reason I could hate last night's disaster. "Fantastic."

"Morning" Natasha said evenly as she wandered into the room, taking the last of the coffee. I nodded towards her and Stark muttered a morning greeting towards the woman. "Ollie, are we training today or do you have a hangover?"

"I haven't had a hangover since I was 18. But that's still a no on the training. I don't have the clothes and I really just don't want to." I answered, standing up and proving my point when I had to hike the oversized pants up once again, pulling the strings as tight as they would go.

"Can't you borrow clothes from Wanda again?" She questioned and I scowled deeply at the mention of the witch.

"Marty McFly here is currently at odds with the little witch" Stark informed her and I raised a brow at the nickname. He continued without an explanation as he brought the mug back up to his mouth. "Fine by me, because the wrath has transferred."

"I know you two don't exactly get along, but what happened? Does it have something to do with you two leaving early last night?" Natasha questioned, a suggestive tone taking place.

"You didn't even stay for the whole party?" Stark balked, his eyes wide with disappointment.

"It does, but it's my business" I said shortly, ignoring Stark's utterance and ending the conversation there. Natasha nodded, looking down into her mug.

"So you plan on wearing that the whole time you're here?"

I glanced down at my clothes and shrugged. "I guess. Stark here will fix the thing soon enough so it's not like it's too big of a deal."

"Why not just buy some new clothes?" Stark asked and I rolled my eyes. And he was supposed to be one of the smartest people on this planet.

"Sure, let me just call the bank and tell them that I'm from seven years in the future and I need a couple thousand dollars" I said mockingly before I dropped the high octave. "Besides, why buy a bunch of clothes when you'll have no use for them when I leave."

"We can figure it out when it comes to that. Just take Romanoff and she can use her card. I'll set up a phone for you as well."

"I already said I don't hate you."

"Not hating and liking are two different things" he said pointedly and I rolled my eyes.

"You have a problem."

"I've been told."

I sighed and looked over to Natasha, silently asking her if she would go along with Stark's plan. She nodded and drained the rest of her coffee before setting the mug in the kitchen and waving a hand for me to follow. I finished my own drink before pushing myself out of the chair and trailing behind her.

We stopped by my room so I could slip on my shoes before we headed down to the garage. I almost drooled at the array of cars. I was never the biggest car fanatic, but that didn't mean I couldn't appreciate the fancy and, undoubtedly, expensive display.

"Can we drive this one?" I begged, holding my pants so I could rush over to a light aqua colored convertible, the four rings announcing it as the type of car that Stark was infamous for.

"You can drive it" Natasha said pointedly, throwing the keys over to me. I squealed in delight and snatched them out of the air, darting over to the car and into the driver's seat. Natasha slid into the seat next to me as I started the car, my hands resting on the wheel and running down it.

Driving a Stark car was something I had never gotten the opportunity to do back home, which I suppose was a good thing. I would have purposely crashed it beyond recognition. But here, I just wanted to drive. I shifted the gears and turned to look at Natasha, a grin on my face.

"So, where should we go first?"

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