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""..I'm gonna go. Bye". After that I awkwardly walk to my dorm."

Tw: panic attack, trauma

Ps. If u listen to sad songs this'll be like 100x more dramatic (highly recommended🫶)

Y/n's pov:)

Thankfully we didn't get a lot of homework since it's Friday. I got my work done quickly. I decide to go to the library and continue reading my book, The Stranger by Albert Camus. I've been waiting a while to read it.

I take my phone, headphones and book with me. I put on my headphones and play Daddy Issues by the Neighbourhood. I leave Ophelia Hall and walk past some classes. The school feels like a ghost town on weekends because everyone either visits home or goes to Jericho to meet their friends. I, for one, just stay here since I have nowhere else to go. Sometimes I see teachers on the weekends and they ask me why I'm not visiting my family or spending time with friends, and I never really know what to say. I see coach Vlad driving somewhere with his car and I wonder which one of the teachers has to stay here this weekend.

I reach the library and put away my phone and headphones, allowing my senses to take in everything the library has. I push the old and large wooden doors open and step in. The rays of sunshine beaming through the windows set a golden like color throughout the whole building. The silence is suffocating. It's a bit chilly. I can hear every little movement. The worn out floorboards squeaking, the wind outside, even some books moving little by little. I close the doors behind me and silently walk further, searching for the perfect place. The smell of the library is unlike anything else. I can sense the antique smell of old books that haven't been looked at in years, left to be unknown by anyone. Touching the soft binding of the books gives me melancholia. All these books with different stories to tell and information to share. All this for nothing. I look down at the dirty red carpet underneath my feet. It was once bright red, but now it appears more as a burgundy. It softens my steps, slowing me down to let me enjoy the moment.

I find a comfortable little nook at the back of the library. It has two big pillows. I make myself a cosy seat with them. One pillow leaning on a huge bookshelf and the other laying on the floor. I sit down and begin reading.

As the time passes it begins to get dark. I loose track of time and realise I've completely missed the bedtime. For context, in our school you have to inform the headmaster if you're staying at the school on weekends or other breaks. If you stay at the school, you have to be in your room by 10 pm. The teacher checks every dorm to make sure the right students are there. I look at the time and realise its 11.34 pm. I'm going to get in so much trouble.

I hurriedly take my stuff with me and try to get to my dorm as fast as possible. I cringe at the loud noises I occasionally make while stepping on a loud floorboard or bumping into something. I quietly walk up the stairs to Ophelia Hall with my book in hand and phone as well as headphones in my pocket. I successfully get to Ophelia hall, but I'm taken by surprise all of a sudden.

"Y/n? Where have you been?" I recognise the husky voice and immediately freeze. I feel my heart rate go up and tears begin to fill my eyes. My lungs rapidly pressing together and releasing air. I start shaking aggressively, pure fear spreading through my entire body. I dig my nails into my arms as I hear footsteps coming towards me. I drop my head to hide my pathetic face.

"I was worried, Y/n! You were supposed to be in you dorm over an hour ago", Mrs. Addams declares with an angry and disappointed voice. I just stay quiet and tense up as I wait for her to hit me. "Look at me when I'm speaking to you", she raises her voice at me. I sniffle silently and try my best to breathe while my eyes flood with tears. "I-I'm s-sorry, Mrs. A-Addams" I stifle in my cries that are so desperately trying to get out.

𝘚𝘰𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦 / Morticia AddamsWhere stories live. Discover now