833 36 15

"We arrive at a hall with many dorms. The doors say the names of some teachers, I don't recognise most of them."

Tw: mention of sh scars and ed
Y/n's pov:)

We get to a door without a nameplate. They probably haven't gotten Mrs. Addams one yet. She takes a key from her pocket and opens the door. I walk in behind her and stand at the door awkwardly while she goes to another room. Her dorm is big. No wonder honestly, imagine having to deal with dumb hormonal teens and then having to stay in a shit room.

Her dorm is cozy. It has a dark academia vibe to it. She has a big bed compared to the ones we students get. Not to even mention the amazing fireplace she has. Damn, I wish I was a teacher.

"You can leave your things on the  table next to you. Here's a towel and some dry clothes. You can go change in the bathroom", she tells me with a kind smile. "Thank you", I smile back and take the things she offered me. I step in the bathroom and lock the door. She gave me new sweatpants and.. a t-shirt. Shit. I have scars on my arms, she'll definitely notice them if I'm only wearing a t-shirt. It's ok. I'll just ask her for a long sleeve.

I take off my wet clothes and dry my body. I also try my best to dry my underwear as much as I can. I put on the comfy sweatpants and t-shirt. They fit me pretty well, they're just a bit bigger than the clothes I usually like to wear. I dry my hair a bit. I pick up my wet clothes off the floor and set them on my arms so that Mrs. Addams can't see my scars. I open the door.

"Hey, the clothes are comfy, but I just wanted to ask if you had a sweatshirt or hoodie I could borrow?" I shyly ask. I feel a bit ungrateful.

"Yes, of course. One second", she gets up from the bed and goes to —what I assume is— her closet. I stand there with the wet clothes in my hands. She comes out of the closet. "Here. I'll put those to dry, alright?" She hands me a hoodie and takes the wet clothes from my hands. I put the hoodie on while she sets my clothes aside in the bathroom.

The fireplace has a fire. I walk past the bed closer to it and sit down on a fluffy rug, hugging my knees to my chest. I can feel the warm sensation of the fire nipping at my skin. The crackles and smell of wood burning calm me down.

"Mind explaining why you were drenched in water?" Mrs. Addams asks me in a playful way, sitting down on her bed. I turn around. "I just felt like going outside" I shrug.

"Thank you for everything, by the way", I say. "Oh don't you worry. I'm happy to help you anytime", she smiles.

"You can stay in my room for a bit if you'd like. I see you're reading The Stranger currently. It's a good book", she says bringing my stuff to me. "You've read it?" I look up at her in a bit of shock as she hands me my phone and book. She nods and sits on a chair near the fireplace, setting her book on her lap. I turn off the alarm I set off earlier and lean back on big chair behind me. We both read in silence, interrupted by the occasional crackle of the fire.

As time passes, the fire starts to die, and so does the warmth. I start to feel my fingertips turn cold. I wrap one hand around myself and turn pages with the other. Shivers go through my body. I notice Mrs. Addams staring at me.

"Y/n, would you like a blanket?" She asks. "No, thank you. I'm alright" I lie, I feel bad asking for more things since I've already been such a bother to her. "You're shaking, darling. Are you sure you don't want a blanket?" I break the eye contact, feeling a bit embarrassed for being exposed. She gets up and gives me a soft blanket. "Thank you..", I mumble a bit embarrassed. I wrap it around myself and continue reading.

After a while it gets darker and I notice that I'm struggling to keep my eyes open. I fight the urge to fall asleep, I'm too scared. I can feel myself slipping into small bits of sleep.

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