Chapter 15 - Making Up

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I walked to the dining table where the guys were sitting. They shifted their gaze to me when they heard my footsteps.

"So what did you guys find?" I said while pulling a chair back to sit.

"My guys are still working on it" Zeke replied to me.

"Still? Then why were you breaking down my bathroom door as if you've found something?" I said slightly irritated.

"Going through a satellite phone takes time. And you were in the bathroom for 40 f*cking minutes"

"And?" I said crossing my arms and legs.

"I called you and you didn't answer. Something could have happened to you, and you're already injured on top of that"

"….Anyway, what about the men downstairs?" I said, ignoring his rant.

"It's handled"

"Good" I nodded.


My phone was on the table, and it rang. I looked on the screen to see who was calling and saw Mr. Kim's name. I pressed answer and stood up to walk away from the guys.


"Nova…" Mr. Kim said in a suspicious tone.

"What's going on?" I asked immediately.

"Listen *sigh*…they've just sent us one of Carlos' ears"

"WHAT?!" I said abruptly but stopped, wincing at a sharp pain from my injuries. I saw the guys looking at me with my peripheral vision.

"We've already confirmed it was his. The blood matches" Mr. Kim said stressed.

"*sigh* Do you guys have a lead?" I said stressed while rubbing my forehead.

"Not really. We analyzed where he last was with his tracker, but it got disconnected"

"And where was he last?"

"Somewhere in Canada, but he would already be at another place by now. I'll send the coordinates after this call"

"Okay….f*ck" I hung up and put my head in my hands.

"What?" Zeke said.

"…they sent one of Carlos' ears…" I put my hands on my hips and looked at the guys. I walked back to sit on the chair. Right after I sat down, Mr. Kim sent me the coordinates.

[43.774181074021, -79.760098457336]

"I just got the coordinates. Run them through for me" I gave Zeke my phone and he looked it up.

"So now you're just doing what she says? What about the explanation you promised us?" Mattia asked Zeke in a condescending tone.

"Not now, Mattia" Zeke answered with a sigh while he was busy with my phone.

"No, actually, now is the perfect time. You promised us an explanation, and I want to hear it. I still don't trust her" Mattia said with his hands on his hip.

"The person you're talking about is literally in this room" I peered my eyes at Mattia. I shifted my body towards him.

"Since, according to you, we have all the time in the world while my friend can potentially be dead right now, tell me Mattia. What the f*ck do you want to know?" I said aggressively. I was tired. And this was getting irritating.

Mattia looked at me, slowly dragging a chair in front of me and sat on it with his elbows on his thighs. He looked me in the eyes, then on the floor and exhaled.

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