Chapter 22 - Clash

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"AH!" Carlos took a few steps back and this was our chance to get out of here.

I stood up and jumped on my back, making the chair break together with the ropes that were tied around my body. I rolled backwards and grabbed two pieces of the chair and swung my hand to the guard's - that was behind me - head, making him drop on the floor.

The other guard ran towards me but I slid on the floor and swung my left hand upwards in his balls, making the guard fall on his knees as I swung at his face with my other hand. I looked to my side and saw that Zeke already got out of the chair and punched Carlos in the face.

I looked past Carlos and saw that the other guards started to run towards us, leaving Donatello, Evelina, and Flavio behind.

I run past Zeke and jump-swing one man in the face and swung kick another one. Luckily, the guards in this place only had batons and knives as weapons.

I don't know what Carlos was thinking, but this was the best decision he has ever made. I stood still as ten masked men stood in front of me in a circle, waiting for who's going to move first. It was my wooden chair sticks against metal rods. Not the ideal position, to be honest.

I took a deep breath. And as I exhaled, one man dashed towards me and swung his baton against my face. I blocked his arm with my left arm before he made contact and swung his head with my right stick. Another guy came at me right after and swung, but I hit his face with a heel kick knocking him out. Now there were eight men standing.

As soon as I prepared myself to fight these men, I heard footsteps coming from a distance. More masked men came running in the room. I looked behind me and saw Zeke jogging towards me, with Carlos laying on the floor with a bruised up face. I shifted my gaze back to Zeke as he reached me.

"*exhale* What did I miss? Anything exciting?" He said to me and got into a fighting stance. I leaned my head to the side and raised an eyebrow at his sarcasm.

"Not the time, Zeke" I said to him. I looked back at the men in front of us. How are we going to fight all of them at once? It's us two against twenty seven men, now.
Zeke and I looked at each other and back the men in front of us.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in. A flashback of my entire life ran through my head. From a child to an adult. From an orphan with no life skills to an assassin with no people skills.

Everything I learned during my adventurous career led to this moment. I exhaled as I opened my eyes. I blocked everything out. My eyes were locked in on the men in front of me. I slowly slid my left leg to the back and crouched into a defensive stance with my arms in front of me.

My eyes shifted from left to right. I tightened my grip on the sticks and stood still. I could feel my heart beating through my ears. The hairs on my body stood up as I went into full concentration.

Then it began.

I ran towards a man and quickly smashed the sticks on the floor, making them form into sharp splintered sticks as I instantly swung my left hand against his carotid artery. Then the man after him came at me, then another, and then another.

It was muscle memory at this point.

I didn't think what moves to do next or even which man to kill next. It felt like I wasn't there. That I wasn't in control of my body...

That's so thrilling.

It was the first time I have ever felt this level of bloodlust. Before I knew it, I was smiling.

This is messed up.

I looked to my side and saw that Zeke had no trouble taking care of his part.
My eyes landed on the Santangelos which were tightly bonded on the ground. I ran towards them and slid on the floor towards Donatello. I used a stick to cut his rope, and then I helped the others.

"Thanks, honey" Evelina said and immediately got up. I ran back to some men and took care of them while the Santangelo's also started doing their part.

Evelina grabbed the piece of rope - that was once wrapped around her wrist - from the floor and ran behind one man that was fighting Zeke. She pulled the rope against the man's neck from the front and used all her weight to swing the man upside down.

"Non toccate mio figlio, bastardo (don't touch my son, bastard)" She seethed at him.

Zeke and Evelina went to fight the other men. Donatello smirked at Evelina while he was busy punching a man on the floor. Flavio looked at Donatello and scowled.

"Fermati, papa (stop, dad)" Flavio said while he had one man in a chokehold. I smiled at their interaction as my eyes skimmed around the room.

The number of men was getting lesser and the guys were taking care of the other man. Then my eyebrows furrowed in anger as I thought of the one person I wanted to kill.


My eyes shifted to where Zeke blacked him out and he wasn't there. My eyes searched for him across the room and landed on a man that was weakly running to the hallway in the back. Zeke also saw him and looked at me.

"Go. We'll take care of the rest!" Zeke said as he punched a man on the ground.

I nodded at him and ran the way Carlos went. As I was getting closer to the hallway, one man jumped in front of me who immediately made contact with the floor after I swung him in the jaw with a stick.

I ran towards the hallway and managed to see Carlos go through a door at the end of the hallway. I threw the sticks to the ground, seeing that they weren't useful anymore, and increased my speed to the maximum.

All the pain from the cuts and bruises went away as I was completely pumped from adrenaline.

I was now a beast hunting down her prey.

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