Chapter 21 - Infiltration

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I seethed with trembling breaths while glaring at Carlos. I would have never expected this, coming from him. I thought of the many interactions I've had with him.

We talked to each other every day.

We've trained together.

We've hung out together.

We ate together.

I was completely f*cking fooled.

This b*tch.

"Oh relax, Nova. It's not that deep" Carlos said, rolling his eyes.

"You should be thankful that I didn't kill you. You were one of the only ones I actually liked" He said.

"...How?" I asked him, wondering how he did it.

"That's actually a very good question. I joined the association with the plan to destroy it from the inside. You guys were too moral for my liking. You would've destroyed my plans if I didn't destroy yours first. So I only had to use a fake identity, have the right skills, and got in. Very easy, actually" He shrugged.

"I must admit, I played my part so well. I'm not even a 28-year-old Cuban! I'm 37! I do look for my age. Don't you think so?" He laughed manically like it was the funniest thing. I just looked at him. He stopped immediately as he saw my neutral reaction.

So he wasn't 16 when I met him. He was 25.


"*groan* Nova, live a little. You're ruining the mood here" He shook his head. I shifted my eyes to his head and noticed something.

"How is it you? Mr. Kim said they received your ear and the blood matched. How is that possible?"

"Oh yeah! You can do a lot with technology these days. It even surprises me sometimes" He chuckled. He looked at me and then at Zeke, and squinted his eyes. He crossed his arms and his eyes kept going back and forth at us.

"Do you guys have something going on?" He asked curiously.

"You're giving off a romantic vibe and I don't like it" He quickly walked towards Zeke and raised the gun at Zeke's head. My eyes widened and my heart started to race.

"No! No! W-what do you want?! Please!" I looked at Zeke and then at him. Zeke glared at him.

"...Don't hurt him. Please" I said with a low voice. I can't lose more people in my life. I just can't.

Carlos kept the gun raised and then looked at me. He gulped. He was hesitating, that's good. He looked back at Zeke, then back at me and smiled.

"No" He said nonchalantly and pulled the trigger. My heart dropped to my gut.

"NO!!" I screamed.

Adrenaline rushed through my entire body. I quickly looked at Zeke and saw that he was fine.

The gun was empty.

I looked down and held back a cry by biting my lip. My eyes started to sting. F*ck. I kept my head down and heard Carlos' voice.

"Hahahahahahah. You- you should've seen your face. That was f*cking hilarious" he said. I heard his footsteps walking towards me and he yanked my face up with his hand. Some tears fell out my eyes as I glared at him.

"That was hilarious. Right, Nova?" He made eye contact with me and tilted his head sideways.

"...You're crazy" I gritted. I started to gain movement in my fingers. Carlos looked at me and dried my tears by roughly dragging his hands on my face.

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