Chapter 29 - Order

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After I thanked her, we walked out of the office. Luckily, the conference room was the room next to the Bureau.

We walked to the conference room and saw that the Santangelos and the other guys were peaking in the conference room. Mattia saw us.

"Did you finally ask her, man?" Mattia asked Zeke and he smirked in response. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Finally! Now the next step is for you to get married" Evelina said with excitement.

"Mamma, relax" Zeke said embarrassed. I chuckled and peaked in the conference room. The lieutenants were going at each other's throats.

"What are they even fighting about?" I asked to no one in particular.

"From what I heard, they are fighting over the Director's spot" Giuseppe answered. I scoffed and entered the room.

There were five men in total sitting at an round table with pointed fingers at each other. I put the folder on the table and crossed my arms in silence. My eyes wandered over each face until they noticed my presence and went silent.

"What do you want?" One of them asked with irritation. I sighed and looked at them.

"Mr. Kim's just passed on and you're already fighting over who's taking over his spot? Where's the empathy?" I raised my voice at them.

"Quiet, princess. This is a conversation for grown-ups. You're obviously not in the best shape to talk to us right now" The man said, looking at me up and down. I glared at him, making my eyebrow twitch.

"...You men are meaning to tell me, that one of you are deserving of the Director's spot after the sh*t you've pulled last week? When the organization was in shambles, you f*cking. fled. the country! You've left your people for dead! And YOU think YOU deserve to be Director? Not once have I seen you guys honor the late Director and you immediately ORDERED to clear out his f*cking office? How dare you" I yelled at them.

They looked at me with anger. One of them stood up and stomped towards me. Zeke immediately stepped forward.

"Watch it, bastard" He warned. The man stopped, noticing Zeke's demeanor. I rolled my eyes.

"Of course. You're letting a man tell you what to do" I chuckled and put my hands on my hips. The man's face contorted to anger and raised his finger at me.

"Listen, you f*cking b*tch-"

"You're fired" I interrupted him with deadpanned eyes.

"What the f*ck? Who do you think you are to make this decision?" He walked closer, trying to threaten me. Cute. I looked in his eyes and smirked.

"I'm the f*cking Director" I smiled at him. "Now f*ck off" I deadpanned.

"F*ck yeah" I heard Mattia's voice in the back.

"What?! Says who?!" Another lieutenant stood up from his chair. I shifted my gaze to him and slid the folder towards him. I sighed and leaned on the table with my hands.

"That is Mr. Kim's last testament and will, which he signed four years ago. So none of you ever stood a chance. From now on, as the Director of IAA, I order all of you to clear out your desks and walk out of here when I'm telling you nicely. If you refuse to comply, I will not hesitate to take further action which includes you being dead" I smiled sarcastically at them as I watched their faces go from confusion to anger.

The lieutenant walked to the folder and opened it to go through his will. When he read the document, he looked at me and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Agent N-" He started to speak.

"Director N" I corrected him. I saw his eye twitch. He was doing a bad job at masking his anger.

"...Director N…I think we all agree that this is a mistake. Mr. Kim was probably not in his right mind when he signed that will. You were even barely of age. I think you have to reconsider your position seeing that you are clearly not in the best…state" He finished saying as he looked at me u and down, signalling at my wounds.

"Yes, you're right. I am not in the best state after risking my life to take out a threat for the organization. Something all of you failed to f*cking do. I think that already supports Mr. Kim's choice" I said looking at all of them. Their eyes darkened with mal intent. The man in front of me – I forgot his name – clenched his jaw.

"You're going to regret this" he threatened.

"Oh…okay" I grabbed Zeke's gun in the back of his pants and shot the lieutenant in the head. His upper body flew back and hit the desk, making the other lieutenants looking at me with widened eyes.


The IAA has a no-weapons-rule in conference rooms to avoid emotional men killing each other. The lieutenants didn't expect a gun to be in the room.

"What the f*ck?!" One of them yelled.

"I'm going to repeat one last time. If you refuse to comply, I will not hesitate to take further action. I give you one hour to gather your things and get out of this building. If you're one second late, you will be joining your friend. Consider yourself lucky that you're not on the floor right now with your friend. Now scram" I finished as the other lieutenants were walking out of the room.

My eyes followed them as they walked out. My eyes landed on a smiling Mattia and Giuseppe. Mattia walked towards me with raised eyebrows.

"No way you're the Director. That's awesome" He said and hugged me. I returned his hug with one arm. I'm still a little awkward with hugs.

"Thanks. I'm still trying to process it" I smiled.

"That's amazing, honey" Evelina also walked to me, with the others behind them. They all took turns congratulating and hugging me.

"Okay, guys. Basta. Can't you see she's injured? Stop being in her space" Zeke said and motioned for them to back off. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"Leave the girl alone. You're in her space everyday" Giuseppe said with annoyance. I snorted and looked at Zeke. Zeke scowled and started to bicker with Giuseppe. We all chuckled as Zeke grabbed Giuseppe in a chokehold.

"Ehi, lasciatelo in pace (Hey, leave him alone)" Mattia said to Zeke and also grabbed him in a chokehold with Giuseppe still in Zeke’s arms. So, all three of them are fighting with each other. I shook my head at them and made eye contact with Evelina. She raised her eyebrow knowingly at me.

"Ragazzi (Boys)" she said and looked back at the boys. Donatello just sighed next to her. As we were watching the guys messing with each other, Patricia walked to me.

"Director N, the agents are waiting for you in the main auditorium. Although it's short notice…it's time for you to make your official announcement as the new Director of IAA" She said with her arms behind her back. I pursed my lips together and faced her as the other guys looked at me. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and opened my eyes as I exhaled.

"Let's go"

IAA: Agent NWhere stories live. Discover now