Cain "Killer," Keller

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Edit: This ha my least favorite chapter by far lol. Skip it. Please. All you have to know is that this dude found the girl and was abusing her. Don't you go reading the rest of this embarrassing chapter please! Just skip itttt.
My head is pounding. I groan as I place the beer bottle I was sleeping with on my head.
   Still cold.
   It soothes my hangover headache just a bit, as I go to the bathroom.
   'Why the fuck does the sun have to be so shittin' bright?' I think as I vomit into the toilet.
    "Shoulda' seen yourself last night." I turn to see Charlie. Skinny, bags under his eyes, and black hair with white growing in lookin' like someone threw a bucket of dust on that idiotic head of his.
    He starts pretending to be me, swinging those spaghetti arms of his around, his hips moving in a way that if someone cared, it would look an awful lot...dirty. Good thing I don't care.
     "Shut up. Whata' you know Charlieboy?"
"I know that you lost two hundred bucks yesterday to some random-ass woman. Not to mention that very suggestive dance of yours got you kicked out. Permanently." With every word he spoke, he spat out saliva.
    "Whatever. I'm headin' over to that shitty old cabin for my drinking for now on." I pull myself up, and push Charlie out of the way.
   I go down the stairs of the apartment, and into the lobby. All the walls of this stinking place are old, and wallpaper peeling. The floors carpet needs replacing. Stains all over it.
I almost leave to the car before Clark tells out what is probably his mantra by now: "Get the damn rent in!"
   I groan, and get into the car. Smells like something died in here. But then again, that's how all my stuff smells like.
'Shouldn't be driving hung over, dumb ass.'
   I start the car anyways.
   I drive until I'm at the woods. I remember my dad once told me about how it was built. People in my family-the Keller family- came 'round and took about a month to build together. That lousy, old, cabin.
    I walk through these old woods. Not very big ones here in Florida, beautiful florida.
  I round the corner and look at the old piece of shit, with its broken roof and shattered windows.
    Better fix it up. Where else would I invite my crew to drink and gamble into the night.
'Cant do it at Louren's place anymore.'
I see her. No, not Louren. The girl. That super powered freak, sitting here, in my cabin.
   She is cleaning her wounds on her ears and tears running down her face as she try's to disinfect the already infected gashes with sanitizer.
'Freak doesn't even realize I'm here. Better kick her out before she becomes comfy.'
  Then, I stop. An idea pops into my shitty head.
   I grab her shoulder, and pull her up. She looks at me in fear, shock, and defeat.
I smirk.
"Alright, freak,' I spat out the damn name to her. "Here is how it's going to go..."
   I stop when she points at her ears.
'She can't hear.'
" Fuck."
I go to the cabinet, and I throw all the trash on the floor until I find a paper and pencil.
I start to write.
"Don't hurt me, ok freak? I'm going to make a deal with you, understand?"
   I hand her back the paper and pencil and watch as her handwriting is a hell lot better than mine.
      "Fine. What's the deal?"
I smirk at her. She must have been scared. When people are scared they don't think strait. If she was thinking strait, she would have killed me.
    " You can stay in this cabin, I'll let you. I'll also help out with food and something to help with that nasty infection you have going on there. I only have one condition. You will be my outlet. And when my friends come to drink, you will be our piñata. Little party toy. I do what I want with you, and you get to live in return."
         She reads the paper, her eyes shine with tears of sadness, then anger.
    "Why would I ever agree to that? If anything, you would be hurting me more than helping me."
   'Still got a bit of a fighting spirit, this one. I'll crush it for all it's worth.'
I write.
" It would be better then your other option. You stay out there and you will be found. Those scientists who will have you will hurt you beyond what I can do. You turn your back on this offer, might as well turn you in, while you are helpless."
She considers it for a moment. Then, the final question.
" I could kill you in an instant, like I did with the others. Why would you assume I'm helpless?"
Ha. She really needs to learn how to hide this better.
"Because you lack control. You would have killed me by now if you did. The final answer?"
She goes pale. She then reluctantly nods.
"Call me Killer. Party starts tonight. I better give you a preview."
  I hand the paper back to her. She looks confused as she reads it. Then I throw a punch at her teary eyed face.
I throw out my frustrations at her, my shoulders going light after carrying years of anger, sadness, a drinking disappointment in my fathers eyes.
"Cain, you idiot!"
"Such a big disappointment, just like your brother!"
"Cain, maybe a beating will knock some sense into you!"
    I have never felt better in my life.
'I finally understand you, pa. Beating someone feels so freeing.'
      I kick her stomach until she coughs out blood.
     I stop.
"Get ready for tonight. My friends are going to have fun with you," I say leaving the cabin, knowing she can't hear me.

................Half an hour later...............

   I head over to the store. What do I need? Beer. Lots of it. 
  I look for other party supplies and food.
I grab whatever pops into my head. Chips (both edible and the type used for gambling), early expired hot dogs, one of those sticks you use for the campfire. I had special plans for the stick.
I head over to the pharmacy next, grabbing antibiotics and other creams to treat the many infections the freaks future wounds would hold.
I grab gauze and other medical supplies. You can't hurt a dead girl. Gotta keep the freak alive.
For her I got the cheapest cereal and snack bars, and not that much at that.
'Can't waste money on her. Don't got enough for myself. She'll learn to make do with what's given, that shit.'
I'm finished with the stores. I head back into that cabin, that filthy old cabin, and find her passed out in the floor, a very small puddle of blood, maybe enough to fill two tablespoons, leaking out of her mouth.
I smile, really smile for the first time in a long while. I kick her to wake her up, and laugh. The type of laugh that reached your stomach. Party times soon. Cant wait to see what we have in stock for her.

....................Party time..................

Charlie, Rick, Andrew, and Hank all come through the cabin door. That shitty old door.
"Gotta little surprise for you. Gonna like it," I say , as I drag out the freak by the arm.
"Meet the deaf murderer, the one and only...freak!" I yell and push her to the ground, she groans and try's to escape my food on her back. I transfer more of my weight on her.
'Yes,' I think. 'Feel the burn in your lungs, my foots not getting off.'
"Where the hell you get her from? Didn't she destroy a city or somethin'," Charlie spats out.
The others just nod. 'Pathetic.'
"Found her. Offered her to stay here, long as we do what we want with her."

"Even beatings?" Rick asks as I pick the squirming freak from the floor.
"Thought you would never ask," I snarl, bringing out those metal sticks for the fireplace.
We hear them up by the fire, and then to the girl. "I think we are going to have fun, you and me."
The four of us raise our flaming hot sticks together above the freak, as her eyes are filled with fear.
"I think I'm going to like you just fine freak."
Edit: If you made it to the end of this chapter, I told you it wasn't good at all!!! I promise the rest of the book is better.

Peter's sister, Nova II NovaVerse 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ