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By the time I wake up, I'm in a bed surrounded by heating blankets. I look to the watch on my wrist. Crap. It's already eight. that means I've been asleep for the past four hours. I can feel my body again, which I take as me being fine. I've been through worse. I walk out the door, but I still feel lightheaded. I go out of the dim hallways and into the library, where Wong is. I walk down the steps and almost enter the room, but at the corner I see him talking to someone. I don't want to interrupt. And besides, I don't even know if this person is safe or not. I don't trust Wong enough anyways. They talk for about five minutes. Wong looks angry and grumpy, as he always is.

The man finally leaves, so I take my chance and walk in. I almost trip on the way to his desk, but I'll stop being dizzy soon. I have to. It's just a matter of time. I'm fine. I'm totally fine. He looks up at me and starts to take out a pen and paper; he knows that's the easier way for him to understand me.  "Strange said you passed out. Hypothermic. You should be in bed," he writes. I do feel a bit chilly, but I shrug it off. I decide to lie to him. "Stephen said it was alright, and he was busy so you could take me back." Once he finishes reading, he looks skeptical. He finally writes his response. "Alright. Where to?" I feel relived he believed me and take the pen and paper in my hands. "Barns and Nobles," I respond. I wanted to pick up a book before I walked home. Books always felt like friends when you're alone. And you can trust a book character more than a real person.

Wong gives me another look before he raises his hands and the four floored bookstore showed up in front of me. I hold in a cough that's been building up. He won't let me go if I still feel bad. I nod my head to say thanks, and I walk through the portal as it closes behind me. I finally release my cough, and gasp for air. I feel like I might faint. But I have to push through it. I can't faint just because I got a little chilly practicing. Hypothermia can't be that bad, can it? (A/N: it's very bad so if you think you have it get to a hospital;) I stumble to the bookstore, still feeling dizzy. There are a few men in black suits similar to the ones that the Avengers brought home from my universe, but many people wear suits. Maybe these people aren't HYDRA agents. I'm just paranoid.

"It's not your fault," Peter would tell me over and over. "You had to think like that to live; they hurt you. You'll learn to trust again."
"But what if I don't?" I had told him that night. What if I never learned how to trust? It feels like it. "I'll help you. I'm right here."

I think about that night a lot when I get scared or suspicious of people.
'What if he's wrong. He won't understand. Normal people don't understand freaks.'
That word has never left my mind. It's still a part of who I am. What I am. A Freak. This is what I think about as I get a book off the shelf and to the cash register. I take some steadying breaths to calm myself. And to keep myself from collapsing as well.
Peter: Novi, where ru????
Peter texts me using my nickname he gave me a week ago. It's a little better then the one that May gave me. Star. The rest of the Avengers have started using both those names as well. I decide that texting back would be better then letting him worry about me.
Nova: I'm at the bookstore. I'll be home soon 👍
Peter: u know I could swing u
Nova: It's fine. I'll get back. Give me a little time.

I didn't want to be late. May was planning to do something with me, and I know that I didn't want to worry her. I walk out of the store and pull myself out of my thoughts. To notice something odd that raises my anxiety levels more then before. The men in the black suits outside were in the same isles as me, followed me to the checkout, and left immediately after I left. They are even walking in the same direction as me. They never got anything when they went to the checkout. They watched me. It brings back a memory which triggers me. I don't want to think about my old universe.

***flashback 3rd person***
Nova walked to the door with the cereal box. She hadn't paid a cent but was already rushing for the door. Killer wouldn't give her a dollar to help her avoid starvation until a few months later. Si robbery was the better option. She tried not to think about it. How there were men following her from behind with guns loaded. Men from the government sent to kill her. But no one escaped alive from her. No matter how much she didn't want to hurt them, when the power got out, it got out big. And she couldn't help it. One of them took her by the shoulder, and the barrel of the gun was cool against her head. That was as far as she would take it. The same cold wave went through her body, and the same piercing headache attacked her head.

She let go. The water in the room made its way around their body's and boiled on top of them. A few streams picked up the men and threw them across the wall. A warm feeling mixed with the cold. Some of the men began vomiting blood. It looked across the floor, and she smiled at their pale faces. That was the moment she realized it. She enjoyed their pain. The men vomiting blood came to a stop when they took their last breath, the men knocked out from being thrown by the water were now drowning when the same water pooled around their faces. The people who had boiling water on top of them no longer had skin in those areas, due to it burning off. Now that same boiling water was burning their insides.

She continued to smirk. She didn't understand why, regardless of hurting people or the pounding headaches and nosebleeds. She didn't even care about how her temperature could drop to ice cold to nearly boiling in the span of a moment. It wasn't the water killing the men. It was her emotion in the form of water. It was her frustration, sadness, anger, longing for safety, longing for death, which she enjoyed letting out. She wasn't even aware at the moment that she was killing them. Nova was only aware of the weight being lifted off her shoulders. That was, until a few minutes later all the men were dead.

She had felt the water feel around the men in a different way. It was as if she could feel everything every drop of water touched. It was as if she could see everything around the water as well. It was overwhelming. She could feel nearly the entire earth. From feeling your pulse, to every animal swimming in the ocean at once, she could feel it all. And right now, she couldn't feel the flow of the blood of the men. Her smiling stopped, and she opened her eyes.

There were men with no skin and dissolving body's in the ground. There were men who's faces were blue with glazed eyes, there were men who bled out.

Nova was horrified. The one thing she didn't want to do was to hurt people, but she skewed that up. Now there were more deaths to her name, more blood on her hands. She flinched when she saw all of this, horrified of what she could do in the span of a moment. Even more horrified of the pleasure that came with killing. Six men dead in a moment. Six men with guns and a suit killed by a pleased teenager. This was the moment she truly really learned to be afraid of herself. This was the moment she hated herself. Loathed herself.

And it was all because of six men in black suits with guns.

***Flashback ends***

I wince at the memory. I don't want to hurt people.
'But why do I crave it?'
Am I really a bad person? I must be. Who relishes the feeling of murder? Who wants to do it again. I've been hurt badly in the past, I would never want to make another person go through the pain I did. I keep hurting people though. I'm near the apartment. I keep glancing back at the group of men who continue to follow me. It scares me. I keep trying to walk away.
'It has to just be we're walking in the same direction. Nothing more.'

I make my way into a jog as I get into the apartment, the safe apartment. May's waiting on the couch for me, with Thai food leftovers from last night. She even has a new movie set up for me. She motions for me to sit down next to her on the couch, and I slowly walk up to her. I sit on the couch as she sets a blanket over my legs which have started to get cold and an arm around my shoulders. My breaths have been coming in a little shallow as it takes my lungs a little more effort to breath, and for some reason my memory is a little more foggy than usual. But I ignore all of that as soon as my power comes up out of nowhere. It does something which doesn't often happen. Maybe it's happened twice. But never across the entire body likes it's doing now. I can feel all the blood and drop of water in May. I feel everything in her. And it feels weak. But maybe that's how people in this universe are supposed to feel like. Although when I felt Wanda's lungs they were far stronger. I don't pay much attention to that, or the heightened heart beat. I just want to relax and feel warm after today. I'm still cold. I snuggle into her warm embrace as the movie plays. Everything's going to be fine.

'You don't deserve this.'

A/N: How are you guys? School is giving me a lot of work, sorry if I can't post as much! How did you like my third person in this chapter? I'm not the best at it so you guys can roast me lol. Give me advice or tell me what you want to see happen eventually and I'll see if it can happen!

Peter's sister, Nova II NovaVerse 1Where stories live. Discover now