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A/N: The other chapters took place In our universe. This chapter is taking place in the MCU. This is a bit less dark since the last chapter was. Enjoy!
....................Present day...................
Boss, Peter is on the roof. Should I call May Parker?" Friday says, waking me up.
"No, I'll take care of him myself," I say as I get out of my spot in bed next to Pepper.
I stretch my arms out, and start out the door. I walk past the many rooms of the Avengers tower. I stop at one of the doors, the one with a picture of a butterfly on it.
I peek inside the door, only to find Morgan awake and coloring on the floor.
"Coloring instead of sleeping, huh? I got something to do for you," I say, as I lift her up from the floor and out the door as she giggles.
Morgan and I make our way up the stairs, and onto the roof of the Avengers tower. It's always such an amazing view. The whole city can be seen, as well as our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man sitting on the edge.
I set down Morgan, and clear my throat. "Underoos, what's going on?"
Peter continues to look down at the city below him, before responding in a tired, upset voice.
"I think Aunt May is hiding something from me. She's been acting so out of it lately. I'm...worried."
Oh jeez. What am I supposed to say in this situation? Sure, I have a kid. A four year old kid. A kid with both parents, who doesn't deal with the issues of a fourteen year old superhero who lives with an aunt and could be hiding secrets from him.
I put my arm around his neck and pull him close to me.
"It's fine, kid. You're going to be fine."
I can tell that he is holding back tears, but I don't push it. I've only known this kid for what? Six, maybe seven months? We aren't that close yet. Maybe mentor and mentee, but nothing major yet.
   "Mr. Stark, can you do me a favor?" Peter's voice quivered at the end. How could I say no when he was shaken up?
     "Sure kid. What do you need?" He opens his mouth to respond and closes it again, thinking twice about asking. I hold his shoulder a bit tighter to comfort him.
   "Could.... Could you please make sure Aunt May is ok? I don't know what I would do if she wasn't."
   "Of course. I'll check in on her later. But for now, how about you sleep over here in a guest room. I don't think she would like you swinging around with all these storm clouds hanging around."
   Peter nods, and gets up slowly. Morgan comes right behind us and takes Peter's hand, saying , " I love you 4,000 Pete!"
   I gasp dramatically, placing a hand to my chest as I do. "Even more then your old man? Might have to take away the juice pops."
   Peter giggles and Morgan sticks her tongue out at me.
   I lead the both of them to the elevator, going down the many floors of this tower.
  We stop first at Morgan's room, I walk in and tuck her in bed.
   "Night, Maguna."
"Good night, old man!"
       I sigh, running a hand through the hair which is sure to start going grey with the help of Peter and Morgan.
     I shut the door silently, not wanting to wake up Pepper or the other Avengers.
     Peter walks silently until we reach the guest room, decorated as neutral as possible.
   The kid looks down at the floor. He has a great range of emotions on his face. Sadness? Longing? Envy?
'Damn, I really can't read teenagers.' So I take a chance, and ask.
   "What's wrong, squirt?"
"It's nothing Mr.Stark!" He says this a little too cheerfully, his large smile not quite reaching his eyes.
   I raise an eyebrow.
'Kid needs to work on his lying, now this I can read.'
   Peter sighs and sits on the bed, as I follow and stand in front of him, leaning on the wall.
  "It-its just that... Morgan is lucky to have a dad like you. If only... I mean May is great and is a better parental figure then I could ever ask for, but I don't get to have... It's just..."
   He stops the conversation there, looking at his hands.
'What the hell do I say? I should probably say something...'
"Well, I'll text Aunt May, check on her and let her know you're staying here for the night. Night kid!"
    'Nice going there, pal,' I think to myself. 'The poor kids missing his dad and that's what I say. I just leave him there.'
    Great. I suddenly don't want to sleep anymore. I head down to the lab. "Hey FRIDAY," I speak to my AI. "Give me the latest reports on May Parker."
     Although FRIDAY doesn't respond, she pulls up the latest footage from May's work.
    She has bags under her eyes and seems to be moving a bit slower, the light she so often has in her eyes dim.
   'Kids right to be worried. She looks terrible.'
  "FRIDAY,  call her please."
"Sure, boss."
    May picks up on the fourth ring. The first thing I hear is a cough.
   "Tony Stark, let me tell you Peter better be with you and safe!" Her tone is harsh and angry, followed by a string of more coughs.
   I furrow my eyebrows. "Yeah May, he is here and safe, don't worry. He was actually a bit worried about you. You're sounding pretty tired. Anything I should know about?"
   I was never good at talking to people about if they were fine or not, but I hope she tells me the truth. For Peter's sake.
    "Oh, he was? I'm fine. Just been a bit sick lately is all. Tell him not to worry."
     I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Alright sounds good. I'll send him back either tomorrow, or sometime else this week. I have a surprise for Spidey."
I hang up the call and run my hands through my hair.
I then grab blueprints for Peter's new suit I have been wanting to build him. An iron spider suit. It's nearly completed. It'll just take me a few more hours to add the AI, Karen.
I remember the first time Peter told me about her name.
"Thank you so much for Karen, Mr. Stark. She helped me a lot finding the Vulture."
"Karen? Who is that?"
"The robot suit lady. I named her."
He would want Karen in his new suit. And for tomorrows surprise, he is going to need to be as safe as he possibly can be.

Peter's sister, Nova II NovaVerse 1Where stories live. Discover now