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A/N: Hey guys! This chapter takes place right after the last one which took place in Peter's POV. (When they were falling through the explosion portal thingy) So I hope you all enjoy.

I'm falling through whatever the hell the explosion sucked us into. It's like I'm seeing multiple different realities fold one on top of another.

I don't know what the hell I'm looking at, but it can't be good. So, I hold onto Peter, I need to protect him.

The falling slows down, and eventually we're plummeting into the forest. The same damn forest we started in. I start up my thrusters and hold onto Peter tightly. Just before we crash into the trees and onto the ground, I use my suit to fly, so we don't fall.

The rest of the team on the other hand?... Unless you're Doctor Magic over there, or Wanda, fell. Hard.

"And we stick the landing," I say sarcastically as I land. "Now where are we," I say as I set down a shaken Peter.

Strange sighs and rubs his face. "The exact place I hoped we wouldn't end up in. Well, Avengers. Welcome to the multiverse. I'll be going to the sanctum of this universe. All of you will stay here until I get back, understand?" He starts waving his hands around like some kind of a crazy person, and sparks show up and form a portal to.... nowhere.

"Well doc, unless your sanctum place is in the void," I start. "Then I don't think that you are going to find it." This is a mess. A complete mess. I can't even believe this is happening.

"Tony's right," Steve speaks up. "We should be trying to find out how we got here in the first place. Maybe this is where the signal is coming from. Tony, do you understand what I mean?"

It takes minute to process, but then it clicks. "No, no, no, no. Don't tell me that you actually think HYDRA agents are operating with the multiverse."

But it makes perfect sense. What else could have made such a large signal on its own? Why couldn't we find the operating bases when FRIDAY gave us the coordinates. Might as well test the theory. If the signal is coming from this universe, FRIDAY would be able to track it.

"FRIDAY, try and track the signal."

"Give me a moment, boss."

A map showed up in front of me just a few seconds later. "Alright. C'mon team, I have a signal, and its moving."

Before I move much further, I notice Peter looking at the ground, the white spider eyes I created going wide. And then I see it, A pool of blood. I look away, and put a hand behind his shoulder, pushing him in the direction of our signal. Cap starts talking.

"This is a new universe; we don't know what to expect. So, keep your eyes open. FRIDAY, how far is the signal's source?"

"About 6 minutes," she responds. I nod and reply, "Let's get moving then!" And we do. The sooner we get to whatever brought us here, the sooner we get home. Because I need to get home. I need to get back to Pepper, and Morgan. I can't be stuck in this universe. I just can't. The family I made matters more to me than anything else. I can't just disappear on them. This signal has to be the answer. It has to be. If not, I don't know what I'll do.

We arrive at a small shopping place; I won't bother reading the name of it. The signal is still moving, but it's less than a minute away from us now. And then it's right in front of me. "Guys, I found the signal," I say while pointing at it. The rest of the Avengers look confused and concerned. And they should be. Because the signal is a girl. A teenage girl, radiating with power on the radar. She has pants stained with what looks like dried blood, but maybe that's just teenage jean fashion in this universe?

I place my hand on her shoulder, and she turns around in shock. She has her ears wrapped with blood-stained gauze, and wearing tight jeans and an old jacket that looks like it was bought at the dollar store. All her cloths are covered in dried blood and dust. And her face, it has a large bruise on the part of her cheek that isn't covered in band-aids.
        When I thought of finding the signal, I didn't expect a hurt girl. I expected some sort of HYDRA agent carrying a machine or something. To be fair, I was also expecting to find them in our universe, but things don't work out that way.
         I look in concern at the other Avengers, and back at the girl. She looks scared. "Hey kid-"I start, but she starts running off. "Let's get her," Steve says.
         We all follow her, it wouldn't matter if she went out of sight, I have her heat signature. But it suddenly starts raining, literally like it was pouring buckets of water at once. Water crept up my suit in an unnatural way, fighting the wires. "Enhanced individual detected," FRIDAY stated.
          I curse, why did the signal have to be an enhanced person? Clearly not very good at control, since the attacks were random and didn't seem like it was intentional. I get her in my radar, and I shoot. She falls to the ground with a large grunt.
         I put my foot on her chest to hold her down and charge up one of my blasters in her direction. I don't want to hurt her, but I need her to stop. "Kid, I don't want to hurt you. Just lay off and I'll lay off." She doesn't seem to pay much attention to what I'm saying, but everything stops.
'Probably out of fear.'
          "Boss, her eardrums seem to be severely damaged, I don't think she can hear you," FRIDAY alerts me. Well, great. How am I supposed to communicate with her now? That's when I realize, Peter has a bag on him. "Hey Pete, got any paper and a pen?" He nods, and passes both to me. I write, and give it to her.
"Don't fight us, and we won't hurt you. You're going to take us to your home now. Understand?" I seriously don't understand why on earth Peter would bring a school bag, but at least it was useful. She looks back at me and nods. She winces as she gets up, and starts leading us in what should be the direction of her house. I'm holding onto her, so she doesn't try to escape me again. But I can tell it makes her nervous, and her breathing is heavy.
           We end up near the lake, where we started. But we go a bit past it. About after five minutes of walking, we reach an old cabin that shouldn't even be standing up right now. Holes in the roof, shattered windows.
'Could that be where she lives?'
           And yes. She led us right inside. Then she stood at the doorway, and Steve shut it and started to guard it, as to not to let her escape. And we begun the questions. "How did you bring us here? Do you know where the HYDRA agents are? Where are your parents?"
          The answer to every one of those questions were: "I don't know." We questioned her multiple times, and she let a little about who she was slip. She woke up in this forest with no memory, and some man let her live here. She didn't let out much after that. I asked her about the blood on the walls, the floor, and her own cloths, but she curled herself up in a ball and didn't write a word. "Do you even know your name?" She shook her head as if to say no.
          "Tony," Steve says. "Just leave the kid alone."
           "How can I?" I yell. "She is our only lead, the signal, and probably the reason we are in this universe in the first place!"
           "Mr. Stark?" Peter asks. "Maybe you should just leave her alone for a little. I mean, she's probably scared. She won't talk if she doesn't trust us." I sigh. Maybe. Maybe I should leave her alone.
Steve speaks up. "Let's stay here for the night. I'll guard the door." He gently lets the girl know and she nods, keeping her distance. I'm already frustrated with her, but I'll figure all this out tomorrow. I haven't properly slept in almost two weeks, so tonight I'm not even going to try and stay awake. So the rest of the Avengers find a place on the floor, and Peter takes the couch.
The girl stays curled up in the corner, staring at all of us.

Peter's sister, Nova II NovaVerse 1Where stories live. Discover now