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A/N: I watched the Antman movie two days ago and loved it lol. Anyways make sure to stick around since it gets interesting and I appreciate all of you. I have 851 views which is absolutely crazy since when I started this I didn't think I would write this much or anyone would be interested so thank you! Enjoy the story :)

My head hurts. The open window isn't helping my situation either. The light coming out of it hurts. I look to my side to see Peter on a chair. He's sleeping, his head on May's shoulder. I feel a little warm.

The type of warm that only comes when my power is searching in another's body. It's focusing on two people. One of which I recognize as May. It's been attracted to her a lot. It worries me. What if it try's to hurt her? But it feels like it's trying to warn me something about her isn't right. Maybe it's the way all her breaths as weak and shallow. Maybe it's that her heart is beating faster than normal lately. Or how I feel her pulse isn't so strong. The other person feels familiar, but I can't place my finger on it. But it makes my power surge to the point I get scared if I'll have an outburst.

But sometimes it lies. Maybe May is fine and my power is just exaggerating my fears of loosing her. Maybe it's scared someone will hurt me. Yeah, that's probably it. No reason to worry.

May shakes Peter's shoulder and he looks up to her and talks. They talk for a moment before he walks over to my side. "How do you feel?" He signs. His eyes are full of concern as he searches my eyes.

"I'm fine," I sign back, even though my arms feel like they're weighted down. He strokes my head as I lean into his touch. Don't think about the warnings your power is giving you. Don't think about the flashbacks which come in an instant. Peter's here. He'll keep me safe.

***Three weeks later***
"Sam, wake up! Mom's going to be mad at you!" A boy says in a sing-songy voice. Sam groans as she takes the covers off her warm body, exposing her to the cold. "Coming," she responds. Nova watches from across the hallway, but it feels like she's miles away. The faces are blurry, and their voices are distant. But still, she listens. Yes, you heard me right. She's listening. As in she can hear their voices.

She touches her scarred ears, which don't even have the CI's ear piece on and she's able to hear. And she can hear clearly, and understand the conversation as though she's been able to hear all her life. She understands.

She watches as the girl named "Sam," walks out the Cyan bedroom in light blue pajamas with designs over it, but it's all too distant and blurry to be seen. She watches as the boy shoves her before Sam slaps him in the head. "Mom!!! Sam slapped me!" The boy starts to cry. An angered, wretched feeling slithers its way up to Nova's throat. It was a different feel of anger. It was familiar. It was near hate with a touch of appreciation deep down for the boy.

"Sam! Don't do that! And come down, Vicky is here!" A woman calls to Sam. She practically runs down the stairs, and Nova follows. A sharp pain enters her mind, but a draining feeling soon comes as she feels energy being pulled from her body. Nova ignores this, and follows the girl down the stairs.

"It's been soooo long since I've last seen you!" Sam exclaims at this girl called, "Vicky." Sam then tried to envelop Vicky in a hug as Vicky tries to run away from it. Sam jumps on top of her as they land on the couch, laughing. "You can't escape me, little cousin," Sam says to Vicky, who is trying to squirm out of Sam's reach. "By two months!" She replies.

This moment feels so... like home. It feels almost perfect to Nova. 'If only I could have a normal life like Vicky and Sam,' Nova thinks.

Normal doesn't last forever though. Clouds and mist of darkness quickly move into the house, and the laughing and giggling comes to a stop. Silence. Then, a scream. More screams. Before Nova even knows what's going on, it's night, and Vicky is dead. Nova rushes to Vicky's side and shakes her shoulders to wake her up. She doesn't. Gunshot wounds can be seen in Vicky's chest, there's no saving her. Nova rushes upstairs where the little boy is. There's a knife in his forehead.

Peter's sister, Nova II NovaVerse 1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt