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Pilot, Earth Skills (1,1/2,1)

The sun beat down on her scalp while she slid to one side, narrowly avoiding the tip of the sharpened sword, it nearly grazing her cheek.

Without even a heartbeat passing, Tyra swung upwards, clashing against the smoothened surface of Lexa's sword.

But with the imminent threat of her sword, Tyra managed to sneak in her leg behind Lexa's. Sweeping the side of her foot forwards until it crashed against Lexa's own leg, forcing her to drop to her knees to avoid face planting onto the rocky floor.

With the twirl of her wrist, Tyra freed her sword from its lock with Lexa's, simultaneously raising her left leg towards Lexa's face.

With no other choice but to block, Lexa raised her forearms to meet Tyra's leg, her sword pointed up towards the ceiling.

In the same exhale that Lexa released to receive the brunt of the force of Tyra's kick. Tyra herself had already dropped her leg down for support, while her opposite leg rose to kick Lexa in the back of her head.

Lexa's head swung forward with the momentum and crashed against her own raised fists, forcing her to drop her sword on the ground with a loud clang.

While Lexa fought against her blurry vision to try to regain control of her sword, Tyra was already a step ahead and had already used the tip of her boot to kick Lexa's sword upwards until she caught it midair.

Lexa was at a disadvantage, she knew it, but she was not giving up yet. She sprung to her feet as steadily as she could with her still pounding head and raised her fists to her face, her coal covered eyes slit into thin lines.

Tyra twirled both swords in her hands, sliding her foot backwards to brace herself while the two swords blocked her face.

Lexa swung her fist forward, Tyra tilting her head violently to the side, so Lexa's fist hit her loose curls rather than her face.

Quick on her feet, Lexa spun in a circle and sent a kick towards Tyra's face that was prominently blocked by the blunt side of both swords.

With all her strength, Tyra pushed downwards on Lexa's leg while stepping to the side. And once her foot crashed against the floor, she pushed her knee on the edge of Lexa's spine.

Lexa was sent forward and sprawling towards the ground. She braced herself before she rolled with the momentum of the kick.

She slid to her feet, ready to go at it again, but was met by her own sword combined with Tyra's at the sides of her neck.

Lexa had lost once more, and Tyra like ever was basking in the joy of it all.

"You have improved, Heda." Lexa accepted Tyra's outstretched hand to stand up steadily.

"The student has beat the teacher." Tyra burst into some near silent laughter, tucking her sword back in its sheath, while pushing her messy hair behind her ears.

Ever since she was a child and had lost her mother, Tyra had not managed to braid her hair properly. She would only let Lexa do it, but those moments were fleeting with all her duties as Commander.

So, on a daily basis, Tyra walked around with only two thin braids at the side of her face, one on each side. Letting her curly, typically dust covered hair to bounce around behind her shoulders.

Suddenly, the door creaked open as one of the guard in turn ran in, his heavy footsteps shaking the room to its core with dust falling from above.

With heavy pants, he fell on his knees, bowing his head to Lexa. "Heda."

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