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Unity Day (9,1)

Tyra had cleaned herself up after everything, it took her a few days to come back to her senses and usual stone-cold facade. Though she had considerably less than time than she would've liked because after two days of no word from her at Trikru, Anya had sent someone to find her to appease Lexa after she had received over four letters asking about Tyra's whereabouts.

She was not so graciously dragged the first few meters until she grew tired of such a feat and ordered the two to let her go, they didn't listen at first, but Tyra used the persuasion of her fist, and they let her walk alone standing behind her until she reached Anya's tent.

"Tyra, we were beginning to worry." By that, Tyra interpreted the situation as Lexa was worrying and Anya had begun to be annoyed by it.

"As you can see, I'm alright, Anya. But your concern is noted," Tyra had made sure to keep her sleeves covering her still bruised wrists, she didn't need to give Anya even more reasons to begin war.

Though it seemed those reasons had already been given to her, as Lincoln stood by the side of the wall, Anya's guard surrounding him like a lost artifact which was found against all odds.

"Was there another reason for you summoning me?" Anya rose from her seat, standing beneath Lincoln before facing Tyra.

"This is Lincoln, one of the members of my patrol. He has brought me the information that the sky people want to lay out the terms for a truce. Are you aware of this?"

"I was not aware of this."

Tyra approached Lincoln, waving off Anya's security, so she could have a more private conversation with him while Anya herself faced her other warriors present.

"What is the meaning of this, Lincoln?  Tell me it wasn't orchestrated by Octavia and that is why you're defending this."

"It wasn't." Tyra saw the honesty behind his eyes, the door leading straight to Lincoln's otherwise cold exterior in the moment.

If Octavia had not orchestrated the meeting with them, who had? No other sky people would agree with peace with them, from what Tyra had scouted.

Bellamy briefly crossed Tyra's mind, another possible attempt at gaining her forgiveness for his actions against Lincoln. But he had not made an attempt since their last encounter, so why change opinions so suddenly?

"What are your thoughts, Tyra? Heda spoke about how your council must be trusted if word could not reach her in time." Anya interrupted the two.

Tyra had begun to plan on punching Lexa for trusting her with such a feat. Tyra disliked making life-changing decisions, especially those in which Anya could rub in her face were they to go wrong. There was a reason she had not exposed her true self and gone for the role of Heda, and that was not including her family's last wishes and non-existent desire of killing Lexa.

"Preventing war has been our goal since the beginning, if the meeting were to go wrong I will speak with Heda myself about condoning war."

Anya appeared satisfied with Tyra's answer, clearly wanting the meeting to go wrong so she could unleash the full extent of her abilities against the sky people. But she'd humour Lincoln and Tyra's need for peace for the moment.

"Lincoln, when is the meeting set?"

"Dawn. The terms were no weapons." Anya thought about it for a minute.

Tyra already knew she'd only pretend to cover those requirements, she'd never walk inside her own parents' home without her weapons, let alone a set-up with their current enemies, even if she was a walking weapon herself.

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